Current state of the grow, Several Concerns... (w/ Pictures)

Firstly, a batch of Hindu Skunk clones have not taken well to the new environment at all since receiving them as clones. A lot of the lower leaves they had have yellowed and some have even browned until I trimmed them. The plants are growing new leaves although slowly. I'm thinking they just might not have been the best clones since the other 2 strains I have in the room are doing much better.


Second, in order of importance, is the yellow spots developing on this plant. There are one or two more cases of this in the grow but this plant has been hit the worst. It seems as though the damage is done but a second opinion never hurts. It's only on these two leaves which I find odd.


Third, some of the plants appear with a sort of dust coating at random places. As if something dripped on them and left residue or got brushed against them. I'm certain neither of these things is happening so I'm not sure what this is or where it's coming from.


The plants are under a 600w MH keeping temps to 68 during the night cycle and 78 during the day cycle. It's a recirculating DWC and I'm keeping the pH between 5.7 and 6.0 (though it mostly stays 5.8-5.9). My nutes are FloraDuo and I'm keeping those at 600 ppm (is this too high for how young they are?). There is plenty of oxygen in the water, my reservoir has lots of bubbles. I used a Doom Fogger less than 2 weeks ago so I'm fairly certain it's not any sort of pest. Any help is appreciated.
Small update. Not really seeing anymore of the spotting but more random yellow leaves on some of the other plants. I think my pH meter may be off so I'm going to check that against a few things. I feel like I might have missed something obvious though.

pH meter is fine, so that option is eliminated.


Well-Known Member
Its cal/mag def...
Do u use epsom salt ?or use some cal/mag +?
Ppm with water or just nuts ppm ? If nuts ppm 600 its too high ...In this age i use 300 ppm of my veg nuts


Active Member
What is your grow medium?

pic 1 nitro or ca/mag def

pic 2 looks like you have had spidermite, other leaves not affected (unless you have took em off) so looks like past tense.

pic 3 looks like powdery mildew.

Also lookin stretched, repot and sink that stem + more light. some super cropping and or topping also needed to bush her up a bit.