Cutting a sample...what do you think?


Well topic stands on its own ive been in flowering (white widow) for 69 days now...:clap:
And i was wondering if cutting a little tiny bud stun the growth?Or
do any harm ?
I just cant hold my self -.-

Thx in advance...


Active Member
Go for it, the best quick dry method I have done so far is breaking up the bud you picked, put it in an envelope, and set on your HID reflector/ballast for an hour or few until dry and smokeable

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Which part of the plant should i pick to cut my bud from tho ?
Whichever one you want. Just so its not the biggest fattest, flagship of the fleet bud.... It depends if you want a representative sample of what a top bud will be like .... or a representative sample of what a smaller bottom bud will be like.

Having said that.... A reliable, and hands off the goods technique is looking at the trichomes through a loupe, or magnifying scope. If you dont have one already. They are also handy for bug inspection. You don't know how many bugs you got until you take a look through the scope!! You also might not be aware of how many trichomes you have {or what color} without a scope.


I went for the medium sized ones pretty white in thc but no fat ass like the top

PS. I feel so hyper right now never tasted my own weed before :D


Active Member
its gonna taste shitty =P but it works.... the satisfaction of your first smoke will be worth the small bud you sacrificed


And considering the sh1tty street weed that is out there im gonna be blasted..or at least i hope so...It will actually be he first time i smoke sensimillia


Well-Known Member
yea, it will do that. where you live?

i always find it weird hearing about dirt weed. Im lucky enough to live in cali and hearing things like this really makes you appreciate. Put it this way im annoyed when i go to the dispensary and they only have 3 different kinds of kush's compared to the normal 7-10. I grow my own but still like selection.

Everyone around here gets excited when you find a seed, its very rare lol. but when you do find one its normally off some amazing weed.