Cutting Clones and Planting Later...Experiences?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone has noticed any differences from cutting the clones, putting them in water for little less than a day, then planting them.. vs. just cutting and planting right away... did anyone have a less % survival rate this way?

Second time cloning... first time went super smooth, 100% survival rate.. this time tho, I'm struggling a bit.. was wondering if waiting to plant them is part of my dilemma..


Too many brownies
I was wondering if anyone has noticed any differences from cutting the clones, putting them in water for little less than a day, then planting them.. vs. just cutting and planting right away... did anyone have a less % survival rate this way?

Second time cloning... first time went super smooth, 100% survival rate.. this time tho, I'm struggling a bit.. was wondering if waiting to plant them is part of my dilemma..
That shouldnt have caused any problems I did it before when I had to go buy supplies...Ive read of people leaving clones in water for even longer than a day without problems.



Well-Known Member
I cloned using just water once. It took a few days longer for the roots to shoot. I was using a clear glass....That may have had something to do with it being a bit slower.

But no problems either way.


Well-Known Member
my fiance actually fully rooted one that way but make sure that its not clear jar cuz wed determined the light stunted growth so as soon as we changed to dark containr they came right out healthier than any other we did


Well-Known Member
Mine seem to be taking longer to root this time around.. just was wondering if this was a part of the longer rooting time.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Hi, I have taken to rooting my clones in water, beacuse i had terrible trouble with my first few attemps. This way seemed compleatly fool proof.

1x Air pump
1x Air Stone
1x storage Box
Water temp 22c

I found this method really good for stubon clones that don't want to root.


Well-Known Member
i sometimes take cuttings and put them in stasis for a few weeks cause i don't have a place for them. they root (usually) in about a week, sometimes a few days longer. take your cuts and put them in a ziplock with enough water in it to keep the cut stems underwater. re-cut and root as you usually do. just remember to exchange the air in the bag every 2 or 3 days.