cutting clones off my plants to reduce size


Well-Known Member
Hello, so I am on my first grow along with my roommates. We have a rather large area and are all growing in the same room. I'm not sure why but my plants seem to be growing 5x as fast as theirs. Ive been lsting them all that I can but now my plants are about 2' wide by 3' tall and my roommates are about a foot by a foot. I'm worried that my plants will be touching the light before harvest (we are currently about a month into veg). So my plan is to chop my plants down, take clones and find new homes for those clones. I figure if I cut about half of the tops off I can down to about the other plants size but I want to make sure this is a good idea. Will my plants continue to grow if I do this? My biggest worry is that I fuck my super healthy plants up but ive been researching and not finding the info I'm looking for. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Yeah its fine. Whenever I top a plant that I am wanting to keep around, I just stick it in a root cube inside my clonebox.


Well-Known Member
When my shit gets too big, I chop it to size. use for clones or just dispose. they will continue to grow after a short stunned period.