Ive seen this done, tips are cut off the clones, but why ? And do you snip off a bit of every leaf or just off 1 finger per set or what > Never heard of doin this but always open to new techniques. Thx in advance.
This is done so that the plant will try to make roots instead of process sunlight into sugars and food. Our goal when starting a clone is make roots as fast as possible. A young cutting only needs very little light. Keep it warm around 75 or 80 degrees in a humid enviroment and it will grow leaves pretty quick. Just trim the fat longer leaves. You can trim them all if ya want but I only do the biggest leaves. Also water the plant less when they are rooting. You want them to have to search for water. The roots will grow much faster while the grow medium is dry. I did mine in these off colored clear 16 ounce cups of soil so I could see the roots when they reached the side of the cup and watch them grow down to the bottom. When I see the roots getting rootbound in the cup its time to transplant.
Ok...Im a little wake and baked this morning....sorry if I rambled on but its accepted on this site to be stoned...hehehe