Cuttings Help.......

The Beast

Hi Guys.... After a couple of failed attempts at taking and growing from cuttings(they all died)... i've managed to actually get some to root but am now a little stuck as to what to do next. How do i know there ready for me to take them out of the propagator and transplant them into soil.? Any advice on what's the best soil to use, lighting, Nutrients etc.... would be greatly appreciated..... Thanks

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
How do i know there ready for me to take them out of the propagator and transplant them into soil.?
When they have roots. Even an inch or two of roots is fine as long as they have roots. If you're very careful, you can feed them quarter to half strength organic ferts as soon as they have roots and are in soil. Just be extremely gentle with them so they aren't shocked from the transplant. Start the potted ones under roughly half strength light and move it to normal distance once they perk up.


Active Member
are they in rockwool cubes now?

once roots show at the bottom, transplant soil...use a smaller pot for your cuttings, solo cups or 4 inch pots work fine. then wait for roots to fill and transplant to your final pots...


Well-Known Member
Fox farm light warrior is a good soil to use for cuttings, you dont need to feed them anything extra, there plenty of food in the soil to sustain the cuttings when you transplant them into small pots..

The Beast

Thanks for the help guys.... just a couple of questions about your posts.... Some of them are in rockwool and the rest are in root riot blocks... when you say an inch of roots do you mean an inch off root hanging from the block or just the block to be full.? cause the blocks are about an inch..? Regarding the lighting... when transplanted should i just keep them under the florescent they're under now until well established or put them under my 600w growlux sodiums and just increase the distance from the plants...?


Well-Known Member
you want to get a good root system going.. period, they are the heart and soil of your plant. now like the other posts suggest you can transplant right after you see roots about an inch long come out of what ever "starter" your using, rockwool etc. (i use rapid rooter's). but i would personally get those roots as long as you can, someone told me to try to get them as long as the cutting you took (around 5 inches). this is so the plant grows alot faster and gets all uptake of food you give it. if your just using a tray and humidity dome with some florescent lights then you should be fine, very simple:

-if your using rockwool you have to soak the cubes for 24 hours in 5.5 ph balanced water, u can also add some low veg. nutrients to this. (the glue in them has a more alkaline base so you need to bring this down a bit, check the ph of them after soaking if you want, it should be around 6-6.5 or so)
-keep the lights on 24 hours
-spray clones and dome with ph balanced water once a day
-open vents, or keep dome slightly open for one hour a day (best to spray after this)
-use some low veg. nutrients and fill tray (about 500ml or less depending on size of tray, mine holds 50 rapid rooter's) (replace every 3 days ruffly) (might not have to do this if you stay on top of things and make sure it stays really moist in the dome)

once they are rooted well as i mentioned above you can transplant them into some small pots, but not too small because you want these roots to become well established, feed them low nutes after u transplant them, wait till they dry out about 3 days later (i use pro-mix HP for my entire garden which is a soiless mix, has no nutrients in it) then water them, then wait till it drys out again, then you can increase the nutes a little bit, then dry 3 days, then water, and so on, create a schedule.

grow space

Well-Known Member
i clone like in the good old days..just put my cuttings in pure water..after 3 weeks i have roots, then i transplant if i think its the right time..and dont use any fert solutions, its stupid to do it right away....:peace:


Well-Known Member
i clone like in the good old days..just put my cuttings in pure water..after 3 weeks i have roots, then i transplant if i think its the right time..and dont use any fert solutions, its stupid to do it right away....:peace:
i get roots in 2 weeks at most with nutes

1ml of DNF Green with 500ml bottled water with ppm of 53 and ph around 6

The Beast

Just one more thing....As a tester i've just transplanted one of the cuttings with good root growth in to a pot with plagron light mix as my medium... should i leave the cutting in the propagator or remove it out into my grow room ???


Well-Known Member
i dont understand the question sorry
scratch that haha wasnt thinking clearly.. you can do either or.. i take mine out of the dome.. what kind of light would u put it under out of the dome? if theres enough room under the same light outside of the dome then id leave it out for some air etc.

The Beast

in the grow room there are two 600w growlux sodium bulbs, temp is about 75-80 humidity 45 - 50, if the cutting was put in there it would be about 3-3.5 feet away from the bulb....??

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
I'd put rooted transplanted clones about 3.5' from a 600 so you should be fine. Once they perk up, move them closer. As long as you have fully mature roots, the plant can be put in soil. Fully mature meaning more than just root buds, at least an inch of root strands reaching outward from the main stalk. That said, you often can't see the root growth until it pokes out of the medium. If you don't know there are mature roots until they poke out the bottom, then wait until then. The cloning process is just to get the clone to begin growing roots, not to fully grow a complete root system. Once it already has roots, it will continue growing them just fine in soil. Root growth beyond your clonging medium before potting would have served the plant better if they had been growing into the soil, creating support for the plant.

The Beast

Mothers finest... your a star..! also thanks for everyone else's help.. will crack on now and get the rest planted..... ROLL ON THE NEW YEAR