Cymbalta withdrawals


Hi everyone. I was hoping to see if anyone has some advice for me. My Girlfriend has been on Cymbalta for depression for the past six months. She wants to get off of it because it is wreaking havoc on her body. However, the withdrawal symptoms are so severe that after a half a day of not taking it she has to pop that Cymbalta pill in. If she doesn't continue the Cymbalata she gets what are called brain zaps and it feels like her head will explode. She even tried to taper off of it. But, no success.

Any suggestions on using hemp oil for this? Do you think the hemp oil would help her get through the withdrawals? Btw, she isn't a cannabis user. Never was.

Any help and suggestions or anecdotal experience is much appreciated.
You've got to be careful when you stop taking antidepressants. I know from experience, it can be hairy and I've been told it's dangerous to try to quit cold turkey. She really needs to be honest with her M.D. and tell him or her that the meds are causing problems. If that doctor won't listen she needs to see another one for a second opinion. But one way or another, this is not one of those cases where it's smart to be your own doctor. She really needs some kind of professional help to either quit, change meds or maybe take something else to counter the side effects of the meds that she's on.
I took cymbalta for chronic pain for two years. What a nightmare! I feel for you and your girl. When I came off I went cold turkey. It was HELL but I'm coming up on a year Cymbalta free. She can do it!
I have been smoking MJ since I was 13. Honest to god(s) I have only been sick a few times and only 1 hospital visit via an ass whooping i received. anywho, my point is that MEDS ARE EVIL. The reason why drugs commercials have acting in it is to distract you from the 2 min shtick on the side effects. I mean come on they take up half of the commercial! Time it next time. The gov is trying to limit our Vitamin C resources because of the effect it has on the immune system, i refuse to believe that a group of 120 something people that who have never met me knows what's best for me. I can count on 2 hands how many times i've even taken an aspirin.

Now, for your gf. If she is having these pains in her head i would turn her on to mushrooms before cannabis due to her depression. Look up the benefits of mushrooms. Best of luck.
I used to smoke a ton of weed for my withdrawals,pain pills, must see your doctor for a lesser mg.of cymbalta,it's a bitch but you can make it to the other side,I now I smoke for pain and depression....And for the hell of it!