yes i am a member of the ziper club from 97bypass surgery. I need to start thinking about my heart health.
Anyone here had open-heart surgery?
you have that backwords g it makes them smaller. witch in turns raises the bp. still alive after 2 triple a's had tears in the main vessal through the body.Pnuggle are you for real?, how old are you 18?
don't take cocaine, look into drinking red wine, avoid high stress occupations fire fighter, teacher etc don't smoke massive amounts of weed at a time [widens passage ways allowing for higher blood flow this causes low blood pressure..], stay positive within your mind
this is coming from someone with heart problems
well then you and this guy need to have a chat lolyou have that backwords g it makes them smaller. witch in turns raises the bp. still alive after 2 triple a's had tears in the main vessal through the body.
no one gets out of here alive
doing that is not a garantee. i have poyl systic kindney daseise. that gave me high bp that inturn caused my triple a. i am now on dialysis. heart problems can come from any where. it hapened on 8/28/97 the heart valve reminds me every day i was 30 in good shape. even having been a smoker for 20 years i could still jog a mile with/o being winded stress willl give you a stroke first. heart problems are geniticDamn dude. Im sorry to hear that. But seriously the only thing to do it make sure you eat fairly healthy, not a lot of junk food and saturated fats and shit. Dont stress over shit cause that's horrible to your whole body. Work out too man. Like if your stressed too, its good to go for a jog or lift or something. Makes your heart stronger and everything... check out p90x. It's tough but after doing that. Youll feel amazing and it's phenomenal for your body