:( Damn Noobness


Well-Known Member
k so, of my 11 seeds .. it seems that only 2 are really healthy and standing :cry: ... im still gonna leave the other ones that look weak and sittin on the soil .... but why havent they grown yet ... can you stress/ shock your seed/plant before it grows ? or water too much so it doesnt grow ? pics up later today


Well-Known Member
definatly possible to stunt them before they've breached the surface....Lots of water is the idea the first week as far as I know...Some just have slow starts man, patience is a virtue..

Did you use nutes? that might be why... How long have they been planted? did you germinate them well (so the root was far enough out) before planting?


Well-Known Member
i think they are because if they wernt he would be excited and tell us the strain first hand like me. lol


let them go, they will probobly pull through if they are in ther same conditions as the ones doing well, some seedlings take longer to start up..

i grew a few for a test not long ago, they are still alive now, one looked like it wouldnt do anything. and it popped out 2 colas instead of its first set of 3 bladed leafs.

shit happens, let them go.


Well-Known Member
no, i havent fed them nutes yet there too young .... theyve been planted for 7 days , germinating took 7 days and the roots were all out... heres my room .. and a pic of the only two alive lookin plants .. what you guys think ?



Well-Known Member
Fresh seeds have a waxy glimmer and a hard, intact shell.
Colours range from a buff through a dark brown, and from light grey to almost black colours. Often seeds are mottled with brown or black spots, or lines on a lighter field.

Green or whitish seeds are usually immature and will germinate feebly if at all.
Shiny, very dark brown or black seeds often mean the contents are fermented and the embryo is dead. Fermented seeds crush easily with finger pressure and are hollow or dusty inside.

Brick or compressed cannabis seeds must be checked as seeds that are bruised or crushed are not viab


Well-Known Member
im using miracle gro Premium Moisture Control potting mix 0.18-0.10-0.10 ..... i have no clue what any of that means ... does my soil look bad ?