Damn Rain....


New Member
High All...I'll try and be succinct.
I'm a noob...to growing and this forum. My wife and I planted Pablo Escobar seeds she had lying around. We got 3 females. This started out mostly as a science experiment. We live in Tucson. Sprouted them outdoors in April. Didn't introduce any nutes until mid-June and were not regular with it. They got lots of water and withstood many 100+ degree scorching summer days in direct sun. Been reading a shit ton about growing the last couple of months. By my best estimate, I'm 5 or 6 weeks into flower. Many trichs have bobbles, are milky white with no more than 10% starting to turn amber. They could be frostier but as I said, it was more of a science experiment.

I'm thinking it's really close (2-3 days?) if not time to chop now. the plants were in the process of drying out and we got a huge dump of rain yesterday and today. It hadn't rained significantly in more than 2 weeks! Arrrrggghhh :x My dilemma is that if I chop now, will they be too wet, or...if I wait for them to fully dry out (another 2-3 days at least) will I be sacrificing thc? Normally we have very low humidity here 15-30%. Indoors where drying will occur is 76 degrees. Thanks in advance for any advice you care to share.


If you don’t have any mold present maybe wait fo dry out some before chop.

Normally with lots of rain on open plants comes powdery white mildew.

Look up bud washing. Something new I learned today from here and seems to be helpful.

Make sure you have a good dry room ready to go.

Good luck