Dark blue and purple leaves


Well-Known Member
Fox farm happy frog
Temp 78
Humidity 58


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I would try to check your soil ph, is your soil dry? I had a chem 91 just do this because it was barely getting enough feed. enough to keep it from wilting but not enough to keep it from starving.
Fox farm happy frog
Temp 78
Humidity 58
Google photos of cannabis with HLVd . There are a lot of pictures of it and a good many of them look exactly like yours. Especially check them out if you are in California or Oregon.

BIG, BAD stuff out there.
Also there was a posting about HLVd by @hotrodharley just the other day. This is something that needs to be checked out by everyone.

ISO doesn't kill it. What I'm reading is the growers are using bleach and hoping that works.

It damages the plant, stunts the growth, causes smaller buds. Evidently, it's OK bud, but smaller and less potent.
Interesting thought but the mother and all other clones have no issues. I will get more info and photos soon.
Thats one of the issues they are having in Calif. Mostly, the plants look pretty good until near harvest. That's what is so scary about HLVd. The early symptoms look to much like some other things and it gets missed.

One problem I'm hearing is some of the cuttings form a plant may be OK but others not. They say it "pools" in spots. The older a mother plant is the more likely it is to contaminate. Calif growers, I've heard, are getting rid of their older mother plants and using more younger ones and only taking cutting from high up on the plant hoping to avoid contaminated low branches.

If you're not in Calif or Oregon you probably don't have it. If you are you might expect about half as much with less THC.
Have you added anything to feed it yet? If so, what and how often? If not, what size plant and what size container and how long has it been in the container? I agree with above saying it looks deficient, I wouldn't jump to HLVD at this point without having more info...
I fed with some kelp tea yesterday. Many upper leaves are yellow, light green with red tips. Lower leaves have so issues.


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If it's only the upper leaves and the lowers are fine, you've got an issue with non-mobile nutrients, like sulphur, iron, Mg, etc., which could be PH related, the other likely cause is too much light.
I would put money on a PH issue. Check Ph of run off and also of a slurry of the potting material. Whenever I get a similar issue PH is usually in the range of 4. Once PH returns to normal the new growth will look normal but those twisted crunchy feeling leaves will die off.
I would put money on a PH issue. Check Ph of run off and also of a slurry of the potting material. Whenever I get a similar issue PH is usually in the range of 4. Once PH returns to normal the new growth will look normal but those twisted crunchy feeling leaves will die off.
Check your input water PH too, probably more important, as long as your soil is buffered. Make sure there are micronutrients in your feed. Are you adding syynthetic nutes to the water? If so you need to add your calmag, wait 15 minutes, add your nutes, wait another 10-15 minutes, then PH your water about 6.2. Do need to know more info to really nail it down.
what medium, light, nutes, watering/feeding schedule, distance from light?
12 inches from light , soil fox farm happy frog 5 gallons fabric pot, watering schedule has yet to be established probably every 3-4 days but I wait until things are on the dryer side.

Check your input water PH too, probably more important, as long as your soil is buffered. Make sure there are micronutrients in your feed. Are you adding syynthetic nutes to the water? If so you need to add your calmag, wait 15 minutes, add your nutes, wait another 10-15 minutes, then PH your water about 6.2. Do need to know more info to really nail it down.

The only feeding so far is kelp meal tea , kelp meal soaked in a bucket overnight. I have been doing a foliar spray with calmag