Dark green spots, curled leaf tips, leaves dying...help


Active Member
I'm growing 5 plants from seeds in soil using a 430 watt HPS lamp. Plants have been in an 18/6 light cycle for about 4 weeks, and are about 12 inches tall now. I keep the light about 12 inches above the plants, have a fan on the plants at all times, and have been watering lightly once a day in the morning as waiting longer between watering causes the leaves to go a bit limp. I've been using a 25-10-10 fertilizer, which I've been applying to my water at about 1/4 strength every second day. I've just switched the plants over to a 12/12 cycle (just yesterday).

Starting from the bottom up, leaves are getting darker green/brown spots on them, eventually the leaf turns completely yellow, then goes brown, crusty, and curls up and dies. Almost all the leaves except the newest ones at the top are brown just at the tips (say about 2mm or so).

I've attached some pics. Please advise. Thanks.



Active Member
I had a similar problem with my first grow. To fix this issue i purchased Alaska Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1 from walmart. It was like 5-8$ for a 1000ml bottle...Add 1 teaspoon to every quart of water every 2-3 days.

I wouldnt water everyday, even lightly....It dosnt rain every day does it?..:D

hope this helps...



Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are you using, what is the brand of the fertilizer you're using, did you put dolomite lime in the mix, how large are the pots you're growing in. You need to let the soil get completely dry before watering again. I wait two full days in between waterings. When you water, water until runoff comes out of the bottom


New Member
I have a plant its two and a half months I had it outside then took it inside cuz it's getting cold its flowering I have a 2700k over it and a small fan its my first time and the bottom leaves are turning dark green and looks like there dying idk wat to do someone help me ASAP??