Dark green tap root?


New Member
So I am germinating some old ass random seeds I got from a friend a while ago. A few of them are just starting to show a white taproot through a small crack, while one of them is cracked wide open and it has a darkish green/black looking tap root. What could this be? Will it still grow? What causes this? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
So I am germinating some old ass random seeds I got from a friend a while ago. A few of them are just starting to show a white taproot through a small crack, while one of them is cracked wide open and it has a darkish green/black looking tap root. What could this be? Will it still grow? What causes this? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
You could be looking at the cotyledons. When the seed germinate, both tap and cotyledons starts to emerge from the seed, sometimes at the same time.

If you look at the seed anatomy(before it germinate), both tap and cotyledons are at the same position at the tip of the seed.