Dark period before harvest

I've heard that right before you harvest that you should leave them in the dark for a few days. I've also heard that it's not true. So does anybody know for sure and why?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Only a scientist will be able to tell you if it makes a difference in terms of numbers on a piece of paper. To the person smoking the stuff, it will not make a discernible difference. I say this having done side by side tests. There may certainly have been a statistical difference, but in terms of a real world difference, niether got me more stoned than the other.


Well-Known Member
I use to have a dark period, flush, and drowning; moved to perpetual about 2 years ago and don't have time for all that (dark period, flush, and drowning) and my harvests have been just as plentiful and no discernible difference in taste or potency.



Well-Known Member
I've harvested with and without a dark period and you know what I discovered? It doesn't make a fucking bit of diffidence.


Well-Known Member
Ive done it before,only a couple days though not 3. I get my stuff tested because there are a few labs around here that do it, and there wasnt really a difference..less than a percent. With that small of a number I just attributed it to difference between ripeness of buds. They were all from the same harvest,some got chopped when the lights were on,and some I left in the dark. Then I took samples of each. Id guess since marijuana plants take 8-12+ weeks to flower and build up all that thc, it's not really capable of rapidly fluctuating like that,the thc isnt mobile. And that whole premise of the darkness making it stronger is off the assumption that thc% spikes when the lights are off, which Ive never seen scientifically proven (maybe it has been,but Im not aware of it).