Dark spots appeared after spraying with Pyrethrum

Bud Quest

I found this plant as a seedling in the backyard, I must have dropped a seed during a party. So I popped it in with the tomatoes and have been caring for it. Fortunately a female! I've had some spider mite issues that I treated with chemicals while the plant was vegging. Knocked them down for a while but I noticed some new spider mites that I treated with Pyrethrum because the plant is now flowering. Tried to do just the leaves... Today I checked in on my plant and it has developed dark spots (see pics) that look like stains. Do I need to be worried? Plant otherwise looks OK. Any recommendations?:leaf:
my plant 002.jpgmy plant 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
Perfectly normal for spraying a toxic formula on your plant.
I wouldn't be worried unless the black spots keep expanding, if they do get your water spray bottle and start rinsing it off. Next time use a less concentrated form of your pesticide. They should recover soon enough. Try to get some grain pesticides to sprinkle on the dirt around your grow if you get mites later on during flowering.