Dartura/ Jimson Weed


Active Member
Hey Guys,, I recently got my hands on these seeds from the Dartura plant, about 100 seeds. I was told that there are hallucinogenic, my friend tried them and he said that he tripped balls lol. but anyways i was wonder what the kind people at RIU had to say about this stuff. Some video on the internet said it was really dangerous but it was a news thing and it stank of goverment so I dont really trust it.


Well-Known Member
read these experiences and decide for yourself, i heard eating the seads is worse than making the leaves into tea

Erowid Experience Vaults: Datura (also Jimson Weed, Thorn Apple) Main Index

this ones my favorite lol
Erowid Experience Vaults: Datura - I Lost My Pets and Almost Burned the House Down - 64941

it seems that they are very dangerous and actually poisin your body and you dont "trip" like a mushroom trip where you still have a grip on reality somewhat

but you actually become dellusional and cant distinguish your hallucinations from reality, so you could be in your room talking to the wall but to you, your on an alien planet, negotiating with intergalatic leaders, one account ive heard of

ive heard of people having very good experiences
but also horrible ones

the trick is to not take too much

also the trip can last up to a day, and the effects up to 2 weeks after the fact, the first three days being the worst where you are dead to the world while your body recovers

its some potent ass shit man so be careful if you decide to take it and make sure you have a sober person to watch over you


Well-Known Member
ya man dont fuck with this shit. it is the 4th most dangerous plant in the world and can kill you if you dont know the potency of the seeds.


Active Member
Some advice, just throw that shit out before you do something foolish.

When I was really bored in high school a long long time ago, I ordered some Datura seeds from jlfcatalog.com (and some morning glory seeds, syrian rue, salvia divinorum - back before Youtube made it popular). I had fun with all of it except for the Datura, because my judgment got the better of me (and my friend's Dad, who is a doctor and former tripper from the 70s, found them and explained that the scopolamine in the seeds could kill me, and that I was a "fucking retard" if I thought about eating them.)

Datura will not make you "trip" like lsd or shrooms (i.e. hallucinate) it will make you fucking nuts - "anticholinergic delerium" - check wikipedia to see the difference. The chemicals in the Datura seeds (Scopolamine) has an anticholinergic effect on your brain and messes with acetylcholine. I'm not a biochemist, but this is more similar to a Benadryl trip than lsd or shrooms (Benadryl/diphenhydramine hcl also has anticholinergic properties except that Benadryl will make you extremely drowsy - so the delusions can seem like dreams), and it doesn't last nearly as long as Datura (which apparently can be upwards of 18-24 hours or longer).

I haven't taken Datura, but I have taken 15 Benadryl in a sitting. I thought I was in my dorm with my buddies playing PS2. In reality, I was curled up in a fetal position mumbling gibberish to myself in a dark, empty room. I don't remember much of it, except that I was happy to finally fall asleep, and I never ever repeated the experiment.

But seriously, this shit could make you crazy for a day or more. I know you are probably bored (I was when I looked up all the crazy legal high shit) but you gotta focus on something other than Datura (and anticholinergics generally, in my opinion).


Well-Known Member
I went hunting the other day and was on the look out for datura. I didn't find any or I over looked it. But I was just curious to see if it grew in my area.

I personally would rather try something that can't kill you (or at least probably won't kill you) like THC, psilocybin, or DMT for example.

If you are going to try it research it and no the risks. Be careful man :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I Personally know someone who has died from Jimson weed/dautra... i have tried it once without knowing, and wouldnt reccommend it, for the simple thought of letting someone try it and getting some type of brain damage/mental illness..


Active Member
I Personally know someone who has died from Jimson weed/dautra... i have tried it once without knowing, and wouldnt reccommend it, for the simple thought of letting someone try it and getting some type of brain damage/mental illness..
Holy shit man thats heavy,, were they a friend of yours,


Active Member
Careful with that stuff, if you take too much you can end up tripping balls so hard you'll be in and out of black outs for three days. Also most people I have heard of didnt really like it but thats not to say that you wont if you do it properly. I havent done it yet, but I bought some seeds from target and meant to plant them but never got around to it, but that is on my to do list for spring.