day 1 flower purple kush, day 76 veg afghan kush.


Active Member
ok so today is the offical day 1 of flower for my purple kush plants and they are lookin beautiful. these pics are from two days ago but ill be putting up some from today later. anyways. the green house was getting quite packed as you can see so i went through with bamboo and bent my afghans a lil bit. OK so the middle rows and the very back 3 plants are all purple kush and the rest running up the sides are my afghans. all of these girls are getting huge, all the plants get the same nutes. im using the entire fox farm line. and also molasses when time comes, the afghan still have about another week or two for veg which scares me cause they are taking up so much room! next year im definitively going to get a way bigger green house. ha anyone have any idea on what my yeild is gonna be?? anyways for are the pics. and again ill put some from today up later sometime. :joint:


South Texas

Well-Known Member
You got a long way to go...1.5 Lb. per, dry weight, maybe 2 lbs per, if lucky. They are too close together for max yeild.


Active Member
You got a long way to go...1.5 Lb. per, dry weight, maybe 2 lbs per, if lucky. They are too close together for max yeild.
are you saying 1.5 lbs per plant? and yea the space sucks. i didnt plan on sticking them in the ground in the beginning but they got rootbound in my 5 gallon pots to quick so i dug holes and layed them in with the bottoms cut off. and the greenhouse is only15'-7'-7' so there really wasnt to much room anyway. but next year outdoor im getting a way bigger green house! ha


South Texas

Well-Known Member
are you saying 1.5 lbs per plant? and yea the space sucks. i didnt plan on sticking them in the ground in the beginning but they got rootbound in my 5 gallon pots to quick so i dug holes and layed them in with the bottoms cut off. and the greenhouse is only15'-7'-7' so there really wasnt to much room anyway. but next year outdoor im getting a way bigger green house! ha

Yep, 1 & 1/2 Lb. per plant, dry weight. The Ladies has the potential to do way more, but the Master crowded them, not enough light, restricted the rooting system, etc. They need 6 ft. to expand, 2 ft. for walking in-between. If I can, I will germ the seeds on Dec. 1ST. 24/7 light. In & out when weather permits. Outdoor Planting date, May 20th. That gives them 6 months veg time before they hit the 13 plus per day Sunlight. Then 3 more months before the flowering starts. Each original branch will have been topped 3 times - instead of 20 bud-branches, there will be 80. If planted at 5 ft. tall, I'll plant Her Laying down. 80 "Top" colas. Just for shits & grins,... & 15 Lbs. per Lady.