Day #1 Flowering


Well-Known Member
today is my first day of flowering. i changed my timer to 12/12, its doing 7am till 7pm.
i decided to use the 250w envirolite cfLDSC00223.jpgand took off a few bottom branchesDSC00231.jpg i noticed what appeared to look like webbing on one of the plants so i immediatly looked on the bottom of a few leafs and seen the little bastards (spider mites) i grabbed my spray bottle and sprayed my plants with water i made sure i got under all the leafs. there wasent plenty of spider mites just a few on the bottom of a couple of leafs. they must of come in the last day or so because i check my plants everyday and didnt see any sign of them yesterday. other than that everything is going ok


Active Member
wouldn't it be more efficient to place your fan down below aim it up towards your lights/exhaust ? arn't you just blowing the hot air from the lights down on to your plants


Yea dude get that fan underneath. There are also all sorts of home remedies for spider mites that are way better than water. Also low humidity will help in the ridding of spidermites. Research!