Day 1


Well-Known Member
Well today will the first day in almost 16 years that I haven't taken morphine. You would think that by the time a person is at 1% of the original dose that they could just stop with no withdrawal symptoms. Luckily I'm not one those people. I will suffer through this as I have no smaller doses to go through and what's the fucking point of prolonging this farce any more? So yay for me! LOL
Shit, your in for a rough weekend. Do some dabs and roll some joints, if you got some beer or liquor use that too. Not the greatest advice but it on dilaudid? where does the pains hit you? the woman gets the worst shin splints same with forearms.
I got Clonidine and a good bottle of wine! I basically have something that causes me grief from the waist down. My low back never stops, then varying degrees in the legs and feet. Other than the Clonidine, I have refused all other pharmas. Fuck that....I have wasted so many years, and good years, being in a haze of pharmaceutical drugs that I have informed my spouse that I am NEVER to be given opioids again unless I'm certain to die. And I mean it!
Oh ya didnt we talk about clonidine? my woman is on 0.01mg i think it is but says its a god send.
Pullin for you WHATFG. Like Bigmanc said surround yourself with helpful things to take and do. Maybe keep in mind how you will be happier with out them as the incentive.
As a lot of us can attest to....drugs are what we have to recover from after the 'disease' has been dealt with.
Hang in there man, it does get better.
Good on you man! Opiates are the devils candy... Dispensed by doctors worldwide!

Glad to hear you're fighting through it. Keep your head up and surround yourself with whatever you love!

It's actually not been as bad as it was yesterday when I took the last dose. I am drinking water until I'm just about floating and the Clonidine is helping take away that fucking feeling in my gut that I can't explain. A little short, some restlessness, and sleep still eludes me! Lol
As a person who went through an opiate addiction and beat it, all I can say is it can be done.

I wasn't just popping pills..I was snorting stupid amounts of dilaudid. Every day..I would mix it with blow and just fucking give er.

When I quit was actually when I first discovered medicinal properties of cannabis. Oil mostly on the advice of a friend. It really really helped with the withdrawal symptoms and I accredit my sobriety completely to mmj...unless you consider me not Sober because I use cannabis lol.

Anyways I've been there brother and you got this. Keep your head up.
As a person who went through an opiate addiction and beat it, all I can say is it can be done.

I wasn't just popping pills..I was snorting stupid amounts of dilaudid. Every day..I would mix it with blow and just fucking give er.

When I quit was actually when I first discovered medicinal properties of cannabis. Oil mostly on the advice of a friend. It really really helped with the withdrawal symptoms and I accredit my sobriety completely to mmj...unless you consider me not Sober because I use cannabis lol.

Anyways I've been there brother and you got this. Keep your head up.
I too cleaned up this year from snorting dilaudid & taking 180mg of morphine a day for 13 years !! Use the oils, cannabis is the answer !!
As usual I speak to soon.....up...down...up...down.....I'm just fucking bouncing around the room....cold sweat.....anyone who has never had those never wants them either. I can do this.....
my very best mojo....for you.... ..get a big bath towel....
the demon has been defeated... so whats next.?...cause if you can do this.... there's no stoppin you....
i was puking, shitting, sleep.. you name it. but you gotta think about the long term..withdrawals go away, they just suck the big one, big time.
Been lurking this sub forum for a while now but this post hits a bit closer to home so I thought I'd chime in too.

I'm personally just 6 weeks off of Methadone so I'm finally feeling a semblance of normalcy although sleep can still be an issue and those annoying stomach gurgles and bubbles and pain like you've done sit ups for days will hopefully pass sooner than later for you.

Best of luck, its a mind set...You've made the choice to stop with the opiates now you move forward and keep it going, sure seems like you've got an entire sub forum of support and that alone is amazing.

Good on you for taking a big step and good one everyone else for being so honest and supportive !!!

everybody's withdrawal symptoms will be a little different. methods of fighting those symptoms will also vary. I would use cannabis for sure, but try other things as well.. cold showers helped me.. got rid of the sweats temporarily. i also drank a ton of water...i would also recommend one of those flushing kits from GNC. It will help get rid of the unwanted toxins and get that garbage out of your system.
i was puking, shitting, sleep.. you name it. but you gotta think about the long term..withdrawals go away, they just suck the big one, big time.
It's is well worth the suffering once you have them out of your system. Eating cannabis helps with the stomach issue's & assists getting your innards back to normal. The energy I now seem to have & finally having a life again is friggin awesome ! Yes lots of water, flush that system.