Day 15 Veg problems help


Active Member
Day 15 of Veg. Coco. Feeding 1.1 ec formulex (one part starter feed).

Both plants showing some slight problems. Larger plant (left) Purple Haze. Smaller plant (right) Peyote Cookies.
Both were started at the same time. The Peyote Cookies (right) is lagging behind and looks a bit stunted.

Any help is appreciated. 1.JPG 2.JPG 4.JPG



Well-Known Member
The big one needs veg nutes and the small one is over fed and burnt, life will be a struggle for that one.


Well-Known Member
Hey Throbster,
looks to my like they might be over watered. Not sure but looks that way. and I have to ask do you have any perlite or dolomite? if you can put them into some new soil that is dryer, I am kind of sure they look to wet, Nutes at the stage your at shouldn't be a huge issue at the time they only look a week or so old.
IJMO that is, I never give nutes when to my seedlings or new clones until they start to show at least 3 sets of nodes. that is just my way. what kind of soil are you using? if they are to wet they will yellow and slow growth.

Good Luck keep us posted.



Active Member
Thanks for the replies.
I'm using coco. Could over watering still be an issue? I only transplanted them out of starter cups into the current 3L a week ago. (Currently 15 days from first breaking ground).

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
only when they're young like that, give them a chance to get established and grow some roots, then it gets to be hard to overwater coco. let it dry out a little between waterings, not like soil, but let it get dry at least an inch down, and water till you get a little run off, the water helps pull air down into the bottom of the pot