Day 25 looking OK? Diesel and puple


Well-Known Member
So what do you guys think? I finally got the PPM down to 1370 and PH 5.8, and 370 of that ppm is where my water is at tap level. The one in the AG is Diesel and the others are a variety of Diesel and Purple. I'm going to play with my camera some more and see if I can load some better pics in a few days.
Purple and Deisel

Ebb and Flow 2X2 table
2 6700 T5 40w tubes
2 5400 T5 40w tubes
Botanicare nuts following on box instructions
Currently AG is at 1760 PPM on AG nuts
Table was at 2100 today but I'm changing the water and diluting to 1000ppm + 376PPM for my tap water.

Any advice is truely appreciated this again is my first time. I tried to read as much info as I could from the grow faq

Future plans are to add 2 more T5 6700 until Veg is done then put in 6 2700 T5 Tubes for 12/12 bloom. Would that be the correct way to go?




Well-Known Member
I just happen to have one thinking about moving it into grow area because I am adding a 400w HPS and can't afford the Higher end Cooltube Reflector and cooling atm.
I also bought materials for home made carbon scrubber. And using ONA gel.

Thanks to everyone who answered all my questions in IM and in these nice FAQs. And AL B Fuct for providing so much light info that I have wisely decided to get an HPS system too. :)



Well-Known Member
Thanks, They look really nice this morning. Just moved 4 into Flower this morning light cycle I'm really excited I would have moved more but I want to see how the nutrient changes affect the plants since I'm still new at it. I have to get up pics of the Purple it had a massive stalk for a short plant. Can I move it into 12/12 to sex it then back to 18/6 to keep as a mom? I think I read some where in the faq that you could do that.


Well-Known Member
Made a Purchase with Nirvana AK48 and Aurora Indica on 9/9/08 Got seeds on 9/16 on 9/23 all 10 AK have sprouted and Only 1 Aurora has sprouted and no others have even cracked :(
Oh yeah just so it's in my Journal, I planted some misc Purple and Sour Diesel seeds on 8/20 (given by a friend) I am sure they are genuine we'll know soon enough!
The one AI that sprouted looks really healthy, If it's a strong healthy girl all will be forgotten :) all ya need is one and maybe they just need a couple more days (I hope)

Still waiting on Attitude order, I'm hoping no more than 2-3 more days they are tracking stateside so who knows?
My ultimate goal in all this is to supply myself with a 3-4 week rotating harvest of 3-4oz.
After reading Al B.'s faq on the 2 week harvest I think I can come close in a few months of tinkering and spread planting. I think the tough part's going to be learning to clone looks like anyone can do it with patients.


Well-Known Member
good look overall setup i think! looks really good. i hope some of your sour diesel plants start leading the pack! can't wait to see more blooming pics!

i just put some into flower too, changed the nutes to bloom, added voodoo juice and a 250 hps they are shooting up like crazy now. one grew 2 1/2 inches today and it was only 15 inches yesterday...


Well-Known Member
wow Mixin, I thought my 400w HPS had arrived the otherday but it wasn't I tracked it today looks like it will arrive on Friday I hope my plants grow crazy fast like that under HPS too :)

9/25 Just tracked 400w lamp in the next town over yeah getting it tomorrow! This morning through away 8 Aurora Indica Seeds that rotted, no clue why the AK sprouted right next to them and they turned into white goo, guess they didn't like the helpful bacteria too much?

One of my plants I transplanted into the bloom room started to look a bit wilted on one side, I think I broke a few pieces of root moving it into bigger pots. I ordered a magnifying glass so sometime next week it will arrive so I can check trichs as they mature. By then I hope we know the sex. Can anyone suggest a cloning agent?


Well-Known Member
I just happen to have one thinking about moving it into grow area because I am adding a 400w HPS and can't afford the Higher end Cooltube Reflector and cooling atm.
I also bought materials for home made carbon scrubber. And using ONA gel.

Thanks to everyone who answered all my questions in IM and in these nice FAQs. And AL B Fuct for providing so much light info that I have wisely decided to get an HPS system too. :)

Have you seen the DIY cool tubes?

Pretty cheap, hope this helps somehow.

Nice grow mate, hope they turn out all well, keep it updated!!


Well-Known Member
So far my DIY projects have mostly been wasted cash, I suck at building stuff and my construction worker brother won't help he's too lazy (or stoned) So I'm just gonna buy em online when I get the cash :) I'd probably just burn the house down lol.

I can follow instructions, but I can't cut straight with any type of tool lol
I made a carbon scrubber and I'm on a 3rd revision I can't get it to work and I've got nearly $50 in materials most of which are useless for anything else so for people like me I just have to bite the bullet and pay for it if I want it that badly.

Also, I'm starting to get the feeling I'm not going to get them seeds from Attitude, while I am sure they shipped them because I tracked them as last in NYC, but there's no other tracking info since 9/20 :(

AK47 Sprouts are beauties, they are luvn the 24/7 CFL lighting their germination tray was like a little green house this morning I'm so excited to finally have some growing.

Got todays mail still not attitude order @ first I was all excited because I saw a box in there with UK stamp but it was just the Germination kit from Nirvana, I cracked one of the seeds open that didn't sproutly and it was full of icky creamy white goo I take that's what happens when a seeds rots?


Well-Known Member
On 9/25 got Attitude seeds and germinating 4 Purple Wreck for the Aero Challenge.

9/26 Day 37 / Day 4 Flower
All 4 Purple plants are starting to get those openings along the nodes where the sex hairs/pods appear so it's just a matter of a few more days before we know.
I can't seem to get my bloom room as dark as I'd like so I've been covering the plants with a beach towel 'tent' and leaving the fan on them.

Today I mounted my 400w HPS and replaced the Tube Fls. Increased ebb and flow nutes to 600ppm was down to 300ppm having adults and children in the same tub is tricky! I gotta buy another 2x2 sheesh the spending never ends lol. What an adventure!

AK Sprouts (Day 9 from seed) are doing well in the Ebb and Flo and the AG

Going to hit the grow shop for some clone solution so I can take a clone from my Sour D, hoping it's a girl so I can take some clones.

I'll get some photos up Saturday I promise, the purple looks pretty decent I might just do ok on my first grow!


Well-Known Member
Bloom pics tomorrow it was already lights out when I got the camera.

AK sprouts are moving right along!

Here are bloom pics last night I forgot to turn the fan on them and the towel tent seem to have suffocated them, as can be seen by the heavy wilting. I believe they will recover I'll take a few shots this afternoon hopefully they'll be feeling better by then.



Well-Known Member
I've nut burned the heck out of my bloom plants, I diluted the first day when what I should have done is just flushed, it didn't look that bad at first so I just added some PH'd water to dilute.

Today I flushed and trimmed many of the dry leaves. Tomorrow I will put them back on 1/4 Strength nuts and slowly build back to 1000ppm.

I'm sure they will be fine but the last few days have been a tough lesson in Hydroponic design and the sensitivity of the plants to fast nutrient and PH changes (for ease of changing fluids ect) because it was one hell of a project lol. I made a much better DWC for the next set of plants it has a drain spout :)

I think at least 2 of 4 are girls, but I will wait until Friday or Saturday they should be 100% showing by then, I hope. (crossed fingers)


Well-Known Member
Well I definitely have 2 Female I took a few pictures, but I am still quite the amatuer photographer, sorry. I took a dozen or so these are the best close-ups I got.

I think the other 2 are male but because they aren't as mature I'm going to wait a little longer just to be sure, I'd hate to cut them down prematurely.

Waters at 570PPM and the new growth doesn't seem to be wilting/burned so I'm going to bump up to 800 Saturday, and hopefully up to 1100 by Wednesday is the plan. I'm blown away at how fast they are starting to grow this is pretty fun!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Well, I cut down one male didn't bother with the pics it was balls out everyones seen that before bah!

I'm still not sure about the 3rd plant I see female parts, but it doesn't look like the other girls exactly, I'm hoping it's just a slower girl (and not a cursed Hermie) I'm going to take some shots midday tomorrow just before I put them to bed under some white lights so I can get some decent pics. I hope someone can ID this plant so I can stop trippin over it :) It's driving me nuts. MONDAY I get my UV/Carbon filtration system supposedly good for 300m2, if it works worth a darn I'll post the Ebay link to it. The girls are growing so fast and recovering nicely from the nut burn and other newbie grower torture :dunce:
It's obvious to me the plants just want me to have bud they are so resilliant!
I bumped to 800 ppm today before work, and added more Acid. Wish me continuing luck.

Question if anyone knows... Is it normal to have to keep adding acid to the solution during bloom everyday? The PH is high (6.8-7.2) every morning. I reduce to 5.8-6.0 every morning since last saturday.


Well-Known Member
Question if anyone knows... Is it normal to have to keep adding acid to the solution during bloom everyday? The PH is high (6.8-7.2) every morning. I reduce to 5.8-6.0 every morning since last saturday.[/quote]

From What it sounds like you are using a hydro set up! :confused:Correct? I am trying to find out the best way to test my soil system and then the water I am adding to them! I have no clue (Well very small grasp). I would like to know the ppm and ph of my water and the ph of my soil! Also would like to know more about when adding nutes to water and feeding how much I have. I bought a soil test kit with the tabs you add to test but from what I read it was a waste of my money it always test 7.0. :cuss:

Please any advice!? :eyesmoke: :blsmoke: bongsmilie :joint: kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm growing in water and using a TDS Meter ($50-99) to measure my PPMs, I don't have a PH meter yet they are also $99, however I was in Home depot and they have Soil test meters for less than $20.

Question if anyone knows... Is it normal to have to keep adding acid to the solution during bloom everyday? The PH is high (6.8-7.2) every morning. I reduce to 5.8-6.0 every morning since last saturday.
From What it sounds like you are using a hydro set up! :confused:Correct? I am trying to find out the best way to test my soil system and then the water I am adding to them! I have no clue (Well very small grasp). I would like to know the ppm and ph of my water and the ph of my soil! Also would like to know more about when adding nutes to water and feeding how much I have. I bought a soil test kit with the tabs you add to test but from what I read it was a waste of my money it always test 7.0. :cuss:

Please any advice!? :eyesmoke: :blsmoke: bongsmilie :joint: kiss-ass[/QUOTE]