day 28 of FLOWER


Active Member
hello RIU...
Quick NUTE question for evryone.

I upped my tox Fox Farm Tiger Bloom to full strength..about 3 and 1/4 capfulls in a gallon. I have 6 plants budding on day 28 of (12-12) after I fed them yesterday two of the plants leaves started to curl under. I waited for the lights to go off, sprayed them real good with plain water and they look outstanding today!!

Is that a normal reaction to an increased dose of NUTES?

I feed every 3 days..should I just do plain water next time or keep with the NUTES...thanks for any and ALL advice...I will be putting pics up soon of my ladies...and then Im starting a grow journal for my White Widow, White Rhino and ICE that I have going in my DWC!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have not gone to a full strength nute dosage in I dont know how long. I start at 1/4th and bump up slowly until I see negative reactions. I usually get to 3/4th the recommended dosage but it depends on the strain.
You definately need to feed plain ph'd water every 3rd watering or so. I usually have a feeding routine of nute, nute, water...nute, nute, water or what ever seems to work best for the strain I am growin.


Active Member
I have not gone to a full strength nute dosage in I dont know how long. I start at 1/4th and bump up slowly until I see negative reactions. I usually get to 3/4th the recommended dosage but it depends on the strain.
You definately need to feed plain ph'd water every 3rd watering or so. I usually have a feeding routine of nute, nute, water...nute, nute, water or what ever seems to work best for the strain I am growin.

what up Boneman? nice to finally see another minnesotan! thanks for the advice. this is some bag seed that was dank. I am using fox farm nute...grow big during veg and tiger bloom with 3/4 tbl spoon molasses during flower. I have fed the nute water mix every tue, th, sat throught the entire grow. My next crop is in a DWC and Im not sure if I will go back to dirt...if I do I will try your technique.

Im flowering with a 400 watt HPS that I have gradually lowered to 12-16 inches from the tops...according to the carts I can go another 4-6..should I keep lowering? they have put on a good 8 inches as it is and they have another 4-5 weeks to go