Day 36, any sugestions?

Good Evening Senseis:

This is my very first grow and I must say , that this little suckers are not as easy as they look but enjoying the learn. Im enclsong photos of my little Blue Dream Haze Plant and I just wanted to see if you guys recommend anything. This weekend ill be moving her to a 3 gallon pot and she is on the following diet

Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Destilled Water (pH balanced 6.0 to 6.5)
Under a 150W light HID light- 18 on / 6 off)
GH Flora Series Nutes (at 1/4 strength, follow up question in a moment)
Cal/Mag when needed (hasnt needed any yet)
1 Gallon Pot
4 100W CFL surround the pot for extra lighting

Being grown in a stand up shower that I lined with Mylar
2 Fans

12 inches tall
6 inch circumference

Question- For feedings, do i go a 1/4 strength more every feeding? or when i run out of the gallon?




Well-Known Member
I don't think you need to add fertilizer with FFOF, at least not for awhile. Those are some seriously dark green plants and that can be a sign of too much nitrogen. Plus you have some discoloration down low.


Active Member
Good Evening Senseis:

This is my very first grow and I must say , that this little suckers are not as easy as they look but enjoying the learn. Im enclsong photos of my little Blue Dream Haze Plant and I just wanted to see if you guys recommend anything. This weekend ill be moving her to a 3 gallon pot and she is on the following diet

Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Destilled Water (pH balanced 6.0 to 6.5)
Under a 150W light HID light- 18 on / 6 off)
GH Flora Series Nutes (at 1/4 strength, follow up question in a moment)
Cal/Mag when needed (hasnt needed any yet)
1 Gallon Pot
4 100W CFL surround the pot for extra lighting

Being grown in a stand up shower that I lined with Mylar
2 Fans

12 inches tall
6 inch circumference

Question- For feedings, do i go a 1/4 strength more every feeding? or when i run out of the gallon?

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It looks like those pots are only half full of soil. They look over watered and stretched.
I usuallly stick my index finger in the soil until its almost all the way in. If soil doesn't stick to my finger I water it. I use a water bottle with a squirt top.

What do you guys recommend ?


Well-Known Member
Plants roots are not at the top of the soil, they are at the bottom of the planter. Either stick your finger in the drain hole to determine moisture levels, get an identical planter and fill it with dry soil mix and compare weights, or get a moisture meter, $10 give or take from most any store witha garden center.


Well-Known Member
To me it does look a little droopy, most likely from too much water. The color is fine for me, my plants are also dark green. I don't think dark leaves are a problem unless they are unusually dark.
Good Evening guys I wanted to give you an update on my Blue Haze Plant on its day 41. The following day after this post I walked in to see that the plant was seriously drooping so I decided to move it to the 3 gallon container and lightly watered it. I also went out and bought a soil moisture meter just so that i dont overwater again. I used only Fox Farm so Im not planning on giving it anymore nutes for a few more weeks (just some cal/mag). Here is a picture of it today.


Active Member
nice change... she looks better for sure! 3 gallon should be the smallest container used, when not stealth growing that is. good job!