day 49 of flowering got some problems help pls !!!


Active Member
hey guys today is the 49 flower so one of my plants i overfert it about a week ago and it got really burned what do you think how much more should i w8 to harverst or you think i should harverst her now will it get worse than it is? the leaves aroud the buds are burned at the edges i got ride of most of the fan leaves because of they were burned. the second plants she is doing much more better nut burned just a bit and how much should i w8 for this one to be ready. the hairs on the buds on this one let's say 75% are brown i don't have a microscope to check the glandes ...


In my own opinion start flushing now for 2 weeks that way you will remove some nutes from the soil and the rest will be consumed by the plant. If you harvested now your buds will contain to many chemicals which I wouldn't advise smoking. you need a microscope mate I always go by the bud hairs not the outer long hairs. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
so should i w8 2 more weeks then?
you should try to, and some flushing is a good idea. if plant dies......harvest. and i must reiterate that in my opinion this would not have happened in a larger pot. besides, more roots = more bud:)


Very true the bigger the pot the bigger the buds try repoting the day you switch to 12/12 you should'nt have any problems after.


Active Member
3 or 4 gallons
and flushing i watter them until water gets out throught the drainage holes ? or how much


Give em 2 litres of p.h.ed water each, it will piss out the bottom so do it in a bath or sink. Then wait for the soil to nearly dry out and then give em 1 litre of p.h.ed water. same again wait for the soil to dry then harvest. Normally it takes a week for the soil to nearly dry out so check it daily.