day 8


Active Member
hey guys, day 8 2 of the 5 have three finger leaves already i'm running my light 24 hours a day right now planning to switch to 18-6 in a couple weeks or so. its my first time doing this 24 hour of light trick so i guess ill find out if it works or not anybody else done this? does it work? please drop some info thanks,
thanks for the advice that will save me on power consumption maybe even help my plants this is how we learn right? thanks gromie
If you really want to save on power look at Joe Pietri 12/1 schedule, I havent actually tried it as I just learned about it not long ago, but will be doing it in a future grow in the not too distant future and compare the difference. Ive read many posts from various growers on multiple forums and they swear by it saying it grows bigger better healthier happoer plants and cutting your electricity in half.