Daylight savings time, ok to move 12x12 lights back an hour?


Well-Known Member
Ok So daylight savings time has hit but I would like to keep my flowering lights on the same schedule. Will this cause any ill effects, if I forward the timers an hour as well? Anyone ever do this?

Any advice is appreciated.

You can change your times at the front or back of your "On" times to when you want. One hour will not do anything harmful.
You can change your times at the front or back of your "On" times to when you want. One hour will not do anything harmful.
My plan was to go down at normal lights on and move the timers forward to turn them on at that time. So it will be one hour.

Thanks for the replies!
imo you need at least 3-4 days of an interrupted photo period for the plants to even notice , let alone harm them
you will be fine with only 1 hour interruption

peace :)
I've seen this a 100 times.. Just curious, what is it about DST that makes people want to change their light schedule? I s the 1 hr diff that important. LIke i said, just curious
I've seen this a 100 times.. Just curious, what is it about DST that makes people want to change their light schedule? I s the 1 hr diff that important. LIke i said, just curious

i think many new growers are so paranoid about hemi's that they ask questions like the op
some folk believe that the tiny amount of light emitted from a power extension cord can interrupt the photo-period
personalty i find these plants to be very resilient to all kinds of stress, they are not made of sugar glass

peace :)
I mean it's not like the plants are gonna wake up late for work or school, so why even change time?