Days of Dark


Active Member
My second grow is pretty much at its end and I'm about to begin harvesting, yippee! My last harvest I gave them a couple days in the dark before harvesting, because that's what folks on here said to do. So being a newb I followed blindly, but can someone please explain the importance of these dark days or can I get down to business? Please let me know, thanks!


Active Member
The theory is that giving it a few days of complete darkness will tell the plant its about to die.
The plant will say oh shit im dieing and have not gotten pollinated yet.
Its said by many it will respond by producing more resin to try and catch any pollen it can before it dies.
I have tried it 4 or 5 times and saw no difference, I also couldn't tell a difference in the finished bud or high from it.
Now im not saying it dose not work, just that I saw no difference.
I now just chop when its done without doing the few days of darkness.


Well-Known Member
I've heard if you increase your dark days during pre harvest then your plants thc crystal will increase buds will swell a lil etc I've tried some techniques some have been ok some not its all up to you I personally give my girls 24hrs dark before harvest.


Active Member
I have read many things on this and it seems everybody does have an opinion. I have read it helps, it does not help and some even say that it only brings to the surface what is already there in the plant. I myself don't know as I am just finishing my 2nd grow. I also do wonder though how much it has to do with pheno types and how well one can actually grow their plant to its fullest potential using the basics. But then again, maybe this is on one the steps. Kick ass elduderino. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks all for the input, I'm going camping for a couple days so I think I will try it so I don't have to worry about my room getting to warm at harvest time with the lights coming on. I cut one and trimmed it today so I will compare it with those that get the extra dark time and report back.