DC May Be Next Medical State!


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Congress allows DC to implement 1998 medical marijuana law
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 18:35:15 By: Russ Belville, NORML Outreach Coordinator
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House and Senate negotiations for the 2010 Appropriations bill have been completed. This is the huge federal budget bill and it just so happens that Washington DC is a federal district and its spending is controlled by Congress.

In 1998, DC passed a medical marijuana bill overwhelmingly, but Congressional drug warriors led by Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia prevented DC from spending any federal money to count the votes (that’s right, in our democracy’s capital, our leaders conspired to prevent citizens from counting votes in a legal election). When that was deemed unconstitutional, they spent the money to count the votes, showing that 69% of DC supported medical marijuana. So Rep. Barr created the “Barr Amendment” that prevented DC from spending any money to implement the medical marijuana program they had voted in.

Well, today’s 2010 Appropriations bill changes all that. In addition to removing bans on abortion, domestic partnerships, and needle exchange, Congress has given the go-ahead to begin implementing DC medical marijuana!

(US Senate) Removing Special Restrictions on the District of Columbia: Eliminates a prohibition on the use of local tax funds for abortion, thereby putting the District in the same position as the 50 states. Also allows the District to implement a referendum on use of marijuana for medical purposes as has been done in other states, allows use of Federal funds for needle exchange programs except in locations considered inappropriate by District authorities, and discontinues a ban on the use of funds in the bill for domestic partnership registration and benefits.

DC’s medical marijuana bill was written with the same sort of open language as was passed in California… will we be seeing marijuana dispensaries on K Street anytime soon?


Well-Known Member
blah territory w.e lol, medical marijuana allowed right in the DEA's backyard o yeah


Well-Known Member
this is a great thread
the 'barbarians' are at the DEA's gates
this is almost like the fall of the Roman empire, but in a good way


Well-Known Member
It's as if moses just parted the red sea again, except this miracle is real.

Thanks for this, it's amazing how fast things are moving. People can't say this is like the late 70's any longer like when Carter considered legalization and then it quickly died. This isn't dying it's snowballing.

It was never like this.


Yeah, it's great news, but keep in mind that the voters in DC approved med marijuana back in 1998, so it really isn't a new move for the people of DC, just the politicians in congress finally letting the voters in DC actually decide something!! Better late than never I always say.


Well-Known Member
It has already passed and it has the same exact language as California, my only question is if we are going to be able to get dispensaries. The thing that blows is that DC is really small, so I bet there are going to be like 10 dispensaries allowed. I can see Maryland and maybe even Virginia passing mmj bills. Redskins get a new GM, and mmj is in the state, man its good being in DC.