dc's Super Skunk and HashBerry round #2, going for 1GPW!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hey peoples of the green persuasion. This is the second time through with these 2 strains using clones, and this time I'm trying something new to try to get a lot closer to 1 Gram Per Watt (GPW) this time. Usually I have less numbers, and I veg for longer and have bigger, bushier, plants.

This time I more than doubled the numbers, taking it from 9 to 21. Put the clones into 1.5 gallon pots this time, and I plan on stripping off all the side laterals except for the 2-4 branches directly under the top cola. I'm going to lollipop the hell out of these girls and see if I can still keep my yield up, er actually get it up higher than last time. All of this while only having basically 1 big top cola to trim off of each plant. Oh did I mention that I HATE trimming? lol

Last time I pulled 268.1 grams, or 9.58 ounces, off of 9 plants and had a GPW of 0.67. Not too bad, but let's see what happens this time.

So, a few pics...the first is of the whole plot, and the second is just of one of the Super Skunk clones that looks nice.

Anyway, please join me for the ride and watch these babies grow! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Awww...hellz yeah...ready for the show

scribed +rep :peace: :bigjoint:

and the first to post in the journal(well after you of course)


Well-Known Member
an experiment worth scribing! all of the luck to you my brother! im here for the long haul!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
LSD, SICC, Drella, welcome back good to see ya.

Well I think I'll prob post new pics tomorrow, I'm just waiting for the clones to really throw down some roots now that they're in the new containers. Just waiting for them to grow a bit more so I have something to post about. So far the Super Skunks are doing the best, and they've started growing a bit already. The Hashberry's were put in a couple of days after most of the Super Skunks (I kept running out of soil!), and they're starting to come around now as well. Probably going to veg for about 7 more days and then I'll flip em. They'll be in flower by the first of March.

I have also been using dolemite lime in the soil the last couple of grows, and once the plants get adjusted to it, it seems to really keep my Ph in check and the plants seem to like it. The only problem is I'm not good at measurement conversions and I think I overdid it a little this time. Whoops. lol Anyway, the SS's are already adjusted to it and now I'm just waiting on the HB's. I watered really good yesterday to try to kinda dissolve the lime into the soil thoroughly. Half of the HB's are already growing new leaves, so I'm just waiting on the other half and like 2 of the SS's.

So I guess after overdoing it a bit I would say that the perfect amount of lime to add to a bag of FF Happy Frog would be 20 Tbls per 2 cubic foot bag of soil. I used 30 this time which was just a bit too much.


Well-Known Member
cant wait for the pics bro, march 1st eh? loks like ill be a couple of days ahead of you this time bro! the chop is on wednesday, or before maybe, which will be the 24th! may this next round be a blessed event for all. 1gpw y'all!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well as a diversion while we wait for the clones to continue growing (all is well with all of them now regarding the lime except for the smallest SS clone, which is just kinda static right now lol), I figured I'd post a few pics of the moms I've been keeping. I had to cut em back hardcore the other day, they were just getting too big. Like 4' tall too big! lol

So I took a pic of each mom before I trimmed her back, and then one afterward. BIG difference. I dropped em down about a foot, and thinned out all the fan leaves. Cut a few spindly bottom branches off too that I was saving for clones but finally decided to ditch.

If anyone has ever wondered how much you can trim back plants without stressing them out or killing them, but has been too scared to try, today is your day. Look at these pics. They looked like sticks when I got done, but you should see them now abut 5 days later. They're looking incredible, and are of course WAY more manageable. As long as they're in veg or the very beginning of flower, you almost can't kill these things. Like a weed I guess. lol

First pic is the HashBerry before the trim, and the second is after. Third pic is of the Super Skunk before the trim, and the fourth is after.



Well-Known Member
wow dude, im not scarred to trim back anymore! you should do hair! jk! nice trim job bro!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
wow dude, im not scarred to trim back anymore! you should do hair! jk! nice trim job bro!
Haha you joke but after years of paying for bad haircuts I finally started saving my head a couple of years ago, not bald but with a #1 guard. So...actually I kinda DO do hair! lol But I'm straight so I can't do it for an occupation or anything.


Well-Known Member
you'd laugh if you saw my so cal hair bro! my moms a hair stylist, so ive had colored hair my whole life! my adult life ive had it mostly just spikey and bleached, but now i got my job back its back to short and black! i always had the "my moms a hairstylist" excuse for my crazy hair, but if i did it as a job, i wouldn't blame people for questioning my "happiness", HA!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Haha you're right. Hey I do remember the Manic Panic days of high school, remember that? lol I had blond, red, and shit I cant remember green or blue or some shit once. Back in the day. lol


Well-Known Member
Here and sub'd. Waiting for the show to start. Looking forward to seeing how this run goes. I recently updated my room DC, if you feel like checking it out, the link is in my sig.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
As I post these pics it's snowing outside, and I'm sitting on the couch looking out the window watching it. This would not be anything special normally, but considering that I'm closer to Mexico than the nearest bordering state this is definitely somewhat of an anomaly. I am enjoying it while it lasts. I miss the snow. Good to see it again.

Here's a pic of the plot again, just waiting for a bit more height and secondary growth and then they'll get flipped into flower. You can also see the seedlings from my other thread in the background on the left. Al are doing well now except for the little SS runt that I over-limed like a beast. Eh, 1 out of 23 clones not making it isn't so bad I guess. Oh FYI Super Skunks are on the left and the HashBerry's are on the right (for the most part).

