DEA Says Staying in State level compliance will mean Federal immunity...

I hope this isn't just the smoke and mirrors that they usually spew!

My partner is in Montana testifying in front of the state house today to try to extend the current MMJ Laws.

Not sure if you guys saw this, but yesterday Holder announced that the DEA will only go after you if you violate BOTH state and federal regulations.

This really takes the pressure off...

Unfortunately the new DEA cheif recently said in 2015 that he thinks marijuana is a dangerous drug and it should remain illegal. If you're working in the industry be aware and make sure you do everything to remain in compliance. Marijuana compliance is a big issue. There is a new software program that can be used to audit your legal business to make sure to avoid fines by remaining compliant. Companies working in WA, NM, AK, IL, and NY can be using the marijuana software system from BioTrack THC which is the same system the state regulatory agencies are using.