dead shit!!


Active Member
what do you do with the dead leaves at the base of your plant? this is my first grow so i was wondering if this was normal? i figured it was because the rest of my plants look good.


Well-Known Member
what do you do with the dead leaves at the base of your plant? this is my first grow so i was wondering if this was normal? i figured it was because the rest of my plants look good.
let them fall off naturally, or you can be like me and pull them off haha. Shouldn't let them stay in the bottom of the pot, or you can be like me and let them stay in the bottom of the pot.. lol!


Active Member
give them a tug and they should just come right off... now when your done with harvest, save the trimmings and make some hash with them :)


Well-Known Member
give them a tug and they should just come right off... now when your done with harvest, save the trimmings and make some hash with them :)

R U F*&KING KIDDING?????????

what horseshit advice....

leave them alone... DO NOT YANK THEM OFF..



Active Member
yes its normal, those early leaves are just starters and will pretty much always die and fall off.

it all depends on your approach.

i am limited on vertical height.
so i use selective pruning methods to decrease vertical growth while reinforcing horizontal growth.
its a rough balance to make.
untill the leaf is literally dead, its still helping the plant.

but wether you pluck it or wait for it to fall off naturally, do not leave it in the pot.
its a severe mold mildew factor. (becuase its dead and on the soil shade plus low airflow and moisture can give fungals just the foothold they need to get started)

but what do i know.
if i know anything, id be dead by now. :-)


Well-Known Member
What a horseshit reply.:roll::lol:

You should be fine pulling them off if there dead.

Hey, why don't you post one pic of anything you've ever grown?? or a link to one grow related post you've EVER made.

Why don't you go back to "toke and talk" and talk more about having sex with an animal or masterbating to build your rep and posts and stop fucking with legitimate growers on the site... seriously.

EDIT: I actually DID go through ALL your posts.. and not 1... wow.. now go fuck off....

DON'T PULL YOUR LEAVES OFF. If you have to.. then cut them.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
My advice is if the leaves are actually dead and ready to fall off cut them with a small pair of scissors as close to flush with the stem as possible. Do not allow them to stay in the pots once not attached to the plant anymore.