Decarb or not to


Well-Known Member
I’m planning on make some brownies with some some newly cured or dried cannabis. Do I need to decarb it in the oven or can I put the cannabis trim directly into the oil and let simmer in coconut oil on low for 4-6 hours, strain, then add to brownie mix and bake?
6 hours in the crockpot is exactly how I used to do it with great success. I’ve never made edibles that weren’t strong and effective.

these days I prefer to make weirdo with the cannabis material and then use that to make my edibles. It eliminates the plant taste, and allows for slightly more controlled dosing.
I decarb in the oil as well. If you have a meat or candy thermometer (the kind with the metal probe you stick into the material) you can get the temp and timing right for your specific crock pot/whatever you're using to heat it. Or just wait until the bubbles stop...
I just barely close a mason jar. Enough so that it can vent if pressure really pushes. I float that in boiling water for about 90 minutes to 3 hrs with great success. Then add my oils or butter and let it go for another 45 minutes to 90 minutes on simmer not boil. The strain, press and even filter again if u like.
Can I take the buds right off the plant without drying and curing then place in oven to decarb after which I just dump the material in coconut oil in a slow cooker for 6 hours on low
Can I take the buds right off the plant without drying and curing then place in oven to decarb after which I just dump the material in coconut oil in a slow cooker for 6 hours on low
Yes. Drying that way will take a long time so I would do it at like 175 and try to avoid cooking off what your trying to extract. Then skip decarb and just place material into a jar of pre measured butter or oil ( remember to measure extra, your never gonna get it all back) and very gently close that jar. Leave it loose enough to leak if pressure really builds. And put that jar in a pot of crockpot of hot water. Hot to where you have fish eye bubbles on the bottom but not boiling. 3-6 hrs later the oil is ready to be strained and cooked with.
6 hours in the crockpot is exactly how I used to do it with great success. I’ve never made edibles that weren’t strong and effective.

these days I prefer to make weirdo with the cannabis material and then use that to make my edibles. It eliminates the plant taste, and allows for slightly more controlled dosing.
What is “weirdo” ?