Deep South 1st Growing

Is 9-10 hours of sunlight an adaquate amount to grow marijuana?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters
So I decided today that I was going to start growing some marijuana in the woods behind my house. I've decided upon a remote location surrounded by pine trees that put off a good deal of shade but has direct sunlight for about 9-10 hours a day. The schwag seeds are germinating and have been since about 5:00 pm today(4/22). What I need to know is if 9-10 hours of sunlight a day is enough to get the ball rolling on my plants. I'll be putting the seeds in small clay or plastic pots full of MiracleGro potting soil and placed on a raised area or on top of some concrete blocks in this remote clearing. Any advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Dig a big hole and turn over the soil. Amend it according to how good it is to begin with--put in some good organic nutes; subcool's super soil (search) is a real good mix. Start your seeds in rapid rooters or similar and then move to a small pots, larger pots, and then to the ground that's been sitting for a month or so. Leave them the hell alone til you can sex them, pull the males, and leave them the hell alone til you're ready to hand 'em in your basement.
So I will eventually have to put it into the soil? I was thinking just going straight to the larger pots and keeping it at that. That way I wouldn't have to worry about the quality of the top soil and I could just use potting soil with the correct nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have to worry about the quality of the top soil and I could just use potting soil with the correct nutrients.
You don't; that's why you amend it to begin with.

Plants in pots are going to need watered every few days. That's you walking into the woods carrying milk jugs. They also are going to yield less than if you had them in the ground. So you'd be doing more work and taking more of a chance for less product.
Oh alright. Thanks bud. I'll get to work on cultivating that over the next few days. Sorry for being such a total noob but I'm going to be treating the soil and putting plants in pots on top of it. Correct?


Well-Known Member
Oh alright. Thanks bud. I'll get to work on cultivating that over the next few days. Sorry for being such a total noob but I'm going to be treating the soil and putting plants in pots on top of it. Correct?
yeah i dont think angus means on the soil he means IN the soil.

growing directly in the ground lets the roots grow free while growing in a pot limits root growth.
also, ive notice that planting a in the ground will give you bigger yields.

another iimportant thing to consider is that you will have to water more frequently if you decide to keep ur plants in a pot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, don't amend the ground and then grow in pots. You can leave them in pots for a while, let them get a foot or two tall and put them in your pre-prepared holes. They'll explode.
Seeds started sprouting in the paper towels today. I'm pretty stoked. I'm working on the bed in the woods. Should I just turn over the dirt or fill the hole with potting soil?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
For your soil, in ground, see the Organic Section, Sub Cool's Super Soil mixture. I would immediately mix up 5 gals. of Molasses & Seaweed in the grow area, to get the microbes going. 2 TBS per gal. for molasses, same for seaweed.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dig big holes, go to your Local Nursery, buy the same compost that they use. Add greensand, mollasses, seaweed, fish emulsion, stone ground cornmeal & epsom salt. Molasses , epsom salt & cornmeal (not the bleached, enriched shit) is at your local grocery store. The rest, at the Nursery. Mix it well, & your set. Use up to 1/2 of native soil, if it's not all sand or clay.
Yeah it's free of sand and clay. I'm going to have to make a list before I head to the store tomorrow. What about in the pot stage? Should I just get some regular pots and fill them with some miraclegro or should I mix in nutes and what not?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
You are SO MEAN. OK Dude, here's the deal. The list, oh yeah. I'll stay on line. First, go to site, click library, then the "S" for Synthic Ferts. 3 articles. Read them. Then get back to me.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
No Chemical Ferts. What you need is at your local Nursery & the Grocery Store. If you screw up now, you 09 grow is lost. Now, what's on your list?
I'm going to look for epsom salt greensand seaweed fish emulsion stone ground cornmeal and some molasses. I'm good buddies with most of the nurseries around here so I shouldn't have any problem coming up with the materials.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Perfect. Epson Salt, Molasses & whole Ground Cornmeal, at the local Grocery Store. The rest, at the Nursery. Don't forget the perlite & vercimulte aspects. Look up each in the Library at dirt doctor, so you will know what each item does. Good Luck.