Deer and full grown plants Q:


Active Member
Has anyone know of,or had full grown plants eaten by deer? I'm starting to think my plants were eaten.All the plants that I know to have been stolen are done 1 of 2 ways...It's chopped ...or pulled out.Mine looked like the branchs were stripped bare and the ends pulled off.Help me out.Especially you seasoned outside growers.


Active Member
ya man my plants were eaten knocked over snapped 2 times throughout the grow and my plants were 6 feet tall they can really do some damage they will knock them down and ruin your crop. Try using bars of soapon ur soil.


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere the other day that a guy used mouse traps up side down around the crop,apparently scares the deer away...worth a try...

Juan Valdez

Active Member
I'm pretty sure one of my little girls was eaten by deer a few weeks ago? I found deer droppings a few yards form the plant and there was a definate beaten down trampled path right to the plant. The stalk was still in the ground and the branches where the buds were (eaten?) off of had very precise diagonal " cuts" were the bud was missing. I've examined other plants in the woods that I've seen deer eating and all that stuff had the same diagonal cut/bite patteren. I suppose a deer could pull and strip branches like you have , but I've never had that happen to me? That actually makes me think about when/if I have to clear some braches at a spot , I usually snap the branch and strip the rest off the stalk..ya know? As I side above the only definate deer eating I've seen has been very precise, almost like if you had scissors and clipped every bud right off, Ive found buds on the ground that were covered in deer saliva!!!!!!

At another spot the very lowest branches (in bloom) that stick out of my chicken wire cages are all eaten back to the chicken wire. These cut/bite patterns are mostly flush straight up and down with some nibbling and force, like the branches were pulled down and bent and torn up. I'm pretty sure at this spot I'm dealing with rabbits or beavers/groundhogs, something thats too big to fit through the 1 inch chicken wire netting. I know its not deer because all the damage is at the very bottom 1/4 of the plant , and chipmunks or other little rodents would have crawled right into the cage and chomped away at the stalk till they timbered it, like they did to me earlier this year ....little fuckers!

Alright, thats what I've gathered over the years about animals eating outdoor plants. My theory is that the natural vegetation/food starts getting depleated around this time as everything has either been eaten or is starting to die off, and the animals are all tryin to fill up before the winter so they will start eating things the normally wouldn't.... including our buds! I should add that I'm in the NE US in a well populated suburb so theres not much for all the animals to eat around my area.




I had a plant eaten two days before harvest last year. They left me two branches. JERKS! Deers and Butterflys. Now I despise them.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I put out Irish spring soap and moth balls. Deer hate man made scents. Deer sleepright next to my patch, have not even had a problem with them.


Active Member
it sound like a deer to me .. most deer will not eat the stems to much when they eat plants they strip the leaves/buds off and i found most of the time deer will eat of a plant and then keep moving to the next bush and eat a little more.. but im sure there are deer out there that love cannabis and will chow down the whole plant... did u use mollasses ? deer fucking love mollasses thats y i dont use it...


Active Member
critters will eat u outta bud and leaf if they get the chance. we frequently lose a good portion of our harvest every year to animals of every kind.


Active Member
Buster...That was exactly what they looked like....just alot bigger.Thanks everyone.Somehow I feel better knowing it wasn't taken out of greed.Just hunger.And yes I used molasses regularly.


Well-Known Member
Ya I have deer all over my grow area and I pee everyday around my spot. I have evergreen branches that I pee all over so it really stinks like pee a lot. So far I've had no problems but you guys are really making me scared now. I think I'm gonna go put up a fishing line fence.

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
piss or hair work great... a lil human hair or even dog or cat hair..... it works wonders for me i see deer every morning by my girl and they stay away
i agree with the pissing around your crop aspect, but a better way would to go to a local hunting store or farmers store and pick up some natural predator piss. Wolf, coyote, mountain lion, ect... anything that is natural to your area. Straight out of "High Times" March 2008 issue, "Outdoor Guerrilla Growing."


Active Member
i agree with the pissing around your crop aspect, but a better way would to go to a local hunting store or farmers store and pick up some natural predator piss. Wolf, coyote, mountain lion, ect... anything that is natural to your area. Straight out of "High Times" March 2008 issue, "Outdoor Guerrilla Growing."
this is just my opinon take it how u want .. but i refuse to use preadator piss .. it dont always work and it will draw preadtors in and i much rather have some stoned deer at my site then a pack of coyotes i should add theres alot of coyotes in my area ...
Hi coCo from Mendo here, all I can say is FENCE!!!

deer are BIG RATS in bambie suits--I can't start to tell you what they have done up here.

best way to get rid of them is SHOOT them(GREAT EATING when done right) or FENCE.
we are just a few weeks away from being ready--I fenced 5 acres this year. I was sick of giving these assses
a free salad bar.


Well-Known Member
i agree with the pissing around your crop aspect, but a better way would to go to a local hunting store or farmers store and pick up some natural predator piss. Wolf, coyote, mountain lion, ect... anything that is natural to your area. Straight out of "High Times" March 2008 issue, "Outdoor Guerrilla Growing."
,, deer are smarter than u think, and they know that wolf, coyote, ect.. do not go around humans often , soo if they smell their piss , they know its a safe place away from humans ,... go to walmart & get 50 or 100 lb test monofilament fishing line, and barricade them babies like fort knox , moth balls work quite well too ,, also takin a piss everytime u go out will help ,,,