Deer bow season


Active Member
I have a couple little girls on the east side of a woods. they arent too tall but producing nice little buds. This is my first grow by the way. The hairs on the top of the buds look to the naked eye as white colored. They have been showing signs of budding for about three weeks, but the hairs have only been visible for about 10 days.
I went out to check on them this morning and saw a deer tree stand about 30 feet away, in plain site of my girls. Bow season here starts one week from today. My question is, should I give them one more week and chop them? Will it do me ANY good to chop them at this time? I know its only two plants, but thats all I have and I've been tending them all summer. Dont want to lose them to some hunter that I really dont think even has permission to be there. By the way, I dont have permission either. Please let me know what you expierenced guy and gals think. Thanks, OD


Well-Known Member
I would harvest the tops of em to make em shorter an more hidden, an to gaurantee you get some smoke

Then harvest the bottom of the plant in few weeks its triks will be about as done as the tops.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
I surely hope not. What do you think of scarholes advice?
I wouldnt ever cut the top buds off then the bottom a few weeks later. what if you stress it and it turns hermie? not worth the risk. id rather risk having my plant jacked then risk getting a nasty hermie.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
tough call to leave them or not. i am a hunter and at 30 feet from my stand, i would spot them plants in a second. maybe even smell them.


Active Member
at 30 feet away any smoker would spot them,can you tell that it was planted there,or does it blend in with whats around it,if it blends in then I wouldnt worrie.if you can tell it was planted then I guess there isnt much you can do,when I grew outdoors one of my favorite places to plant was in the middle of a picker patch,blackberrys,rasberrys. good luck


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt ever cut the top buds off then the bottom a few weeks later. what if you stress it and it turns hermie? not worth the risk. id rather risk having my plant jacked then risk getting a nasty hermie.

I do it all the time never had a plant go hermie, If you have shit genetics then yea but if you have a stable line it should be fine.

To the OP question, yes I would cut the main colas and leave the rest to mature. I sure as hell would spot your grow if I was in a stand 30 foot away.


Well-Known Member
Leave a note on his stand telling him its illegal to hunt there and he had better move. I mean what do you have to loose, we growers get moved along alll the time if you know what I mean. Good Luck:blsmoke:


I think round planets idea is a good one but to be honest if you have a dog or even your friends dog take it for a walk in the early morning and about 3 in the afternoon if he sees you then hell be scared off if he knows there isnt any deer!


Active Member
I think round planets idea is a good one but to be honest if you have a dog or even your friends dog take it for a walk in the early morning and about 3 in the afternoon if he sees you then hell be scared off if he knows there isnt any deer!
I have 4 small dogs, but it is impossible to walk them to this spot. Its a thick woods on one side and a bean field on the other. Poisaon ivy all over the woods, had to get help from my doctor once for it already. The soil around the plants isnt culivated, but just the color alone makes it standout to anyone that smokes. Makes me sick, but I'll probably go out the Friday after work and chop it as Saturday morning starts bow season. Thanks everyone for your advice, OD

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
A toker would see them a nonsmoker would not.

I took a break from smoking for about 20 yrs and was an avid bowhunter, chances are I prolly would not have noticed a couple of small mj plants especially if they blended in. The month before during scouting season is the time bowhunters are more apt to stumble upon your grow....up in the tree stand they are in their own little world



Well-Known Member
I wouldnt ever cut the top buds off then the bottom a few weeks later. what if you stress it and it turns hermie? not worth the risk. id rather risk having my plant jacked then risk getting a nasty hermie.
I've never had this happen, and even if it were to go slightly hermie at this point, it wouldn't do too much since the whole thing is coming down within a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
A toker would see them a nonsmoker would not.

I took a break from smoking for about 20 yrs and was an avid bowhunter, chances are I prolly would not have noticed a couple of small mj plants especially if they blended in. The month before during scouting season is the time bowhunters are more apt to stumble upon your grow....up in the tree stand they are in their own little world

I agree with this. Before i grew or smoked i never really paid much attention to the plants when i was hunting, and the only time i would be able to really stumble on a plant would be if i am walking to and from the stand or scouting for deer. I am still a hunter now and i still don't pay any attention to the trees and plants really... I just look around for any type of movement, listen to nature, or watch birds. I would leave the plants because he might not notice it because he is too busy hunting and if he does see them he might leave them, also 3week buds are not really going to give you a good buzz.


Active Member
Well, Sunday morning starts bow season. I'm going to go out and check them out this morning as soon as I can see to walk in the woods. If they dont look to be choppable I will wait until Oct 6, thats when I have a doctor appointment and have that morning off work. I will let you all know how they look when I check them today. Thanks for all the advice, OD


Well-Known Member
I'm glad youre willing to wait. If the hunter hasnt ripped them or alerted the authorities by now you're more than likely fine. Take this into acount for next year ans plan accordingly. Good luck amigo!