Defeating the K-9's


Let me preface this by saying: I realize that I am overly paranoid, but I sleep better at night knowing I have a plan for every situation.

My situation is thus:
- I have a fake wall in a small attic space that leads to my grow box.
- I don't tell anybody, friends or family about this.
- I don't sell anything
- I am super discreet with my procuring of supplies.

This alone should keep the chances of a search of my house by police insanely small, however, I'd like to be able to survive a K-9 search.

From everything I've read, it's almost impossible to disguise the smell of cannabis from a K-9, so what I figure needs to be done is destroy his credibility. Would it be feasible to take a spray bottle, soak maybe a half gram inside it for a week or more so that the water is unbelievably cannabis scented, then spray it at dog level at many different places in the house, so that the dog "hits" on absolutely everything? If and when he came to the fake wall in the attic, it would be just like every other false hit, and it would be unlikely that they dismantle my wall.

Obviously I'd want to make it not so potent that humans can smell it, but potent enough that a dog would flip over it. I figure after months of spraying certain spots weekly all over the house would make those areas so attractive to a drug dog that the real target would get lost in the mix.


3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
I heard a good example for this:

Say you have a pot of chili cooking. We smell chili and we recognize it as chili. But dogs smell things individually, they smell the beans, the meat, and the other ingredients separately. The only thing I can think of is that: officers will indicate false signals to justify their search. So if he says " get it boy" , " come on scratch", it's illegal. Hope that helps but other than that they can smell anything.


No, I realize that they can smell EVERYTHING, what I'm saying is, I will be making him hit on EVERYTHING in the house, so essentially it takes the police down to just doing a manual search because the dog has become useless since he's hitting on everything and not just important places.


Well-Known Member
I heard a good example for this:

Say you have a pot of chili cooking. We smell chili and we recognize it as chili. But dogs smell things individually, they smell the beans, the meat, and the other ingredients separately. The only thing I can think of is that: officers will indicate false signals to justify their search. So if he says " get it boy" , " come on scratch", it's illegal. Hope that helps but other than that they can smell anything.

Someone has been watching Barry Cooper?


Well-Known Member
You've got a good idea, but it could easily backfire on you, and then the hypothetical dog could cause a complete search of everything, including other dogs, random holes in walls to check for fresh sheetrock, etc.
Just get over your paranoia.


Well-Known Member
look at it this way, if there's a K-9 in your house, they had a warrant
if they had a warrant, this will not be a 'gee, this is getting too hard'
they're not leaving until they get what they want, a warrant that comes up empty does not look good in LEO circles
i have thought about this myself way too many times, i won't say it's impossible but the effort seems very high and unlikely to work
but threads like these are still a good idea, maybe some magic will show up


Well-Known Member
dogs supposedly can detect odors that are measured in tiny amounts
unless your chamber is hermetically sealed, and has some negative pressure system for when you go in to garden, it's going to leak out some odor, if only briefly
and those odors will cling to to the floor/furniture/wall paper/etc.
that's the reputation, but i do see credible reports of dogs f'ing up occasionally, though that's around sealed containers usually

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
my thoughts are that if there allready in your house with a warrant and k9 its pretty much game over , especially if the dogs getting hits all over the place , they will probally think you have you're cavity walls stuffed with drugs , and start ripping the place apart .


We all agree that in this situation prevention is the best medicine. Honestly, if you're having a search, you're already fucked, but you can hopefully at least make them look over your growbox itself.

I realize you can't defeat a dogs nose, so I feel you have to overwhelm it. I have a big dog myself that I've trained to find hidden cheese. He's smart as hell, but he still makes mistakes. Dogs are still animals, and trainers realize that they make mistakes or have off days. I wouldn't just be spraying walls, I'd be spraying things dogs would like (since I have one myself) like my dog's food storage bucket. It would look more like he's getting distracted or hungry.

The real question is, seeing as how I'm growing a maximum of 2 plants for personal consumption and am telling nobody, what are even the odds that they would bring in a dog for a search of my place? Isn't that usually reserved for bigger targets?

look at it this way, if there's a K-9 in your house, they had a warrant
if they had a warrant, this will not be a 'gee, this is getting too hard'
they're not leaving until they get what they want, a warrant that comes up empty does not look good in LEO circles
i have thought about this myself way too many times, i won't say it's impossible but the effort seems very high and unlikely to work
but threads like these are still a good idea, maybe some magic will show up
Of course, but, in a even remotely logical search of my house with a dog, the attic crawl space will be one of the last places they come to. I can't imagine after destroying a few walls downstairs they would continue destroying more walls. It certainly looks bad to have a search warrant and find nothing, but in a cop's mind it is far worse to have a search warrant and find nothing after destroying someone's house. The collateral damage the station would be on the hook for would be pretty high.

dogs supposedly can detect odors that are measured in tiny amounts
unless your chamber is hermetically sealed, and has some negative pressure system for when you go in to garden, it's going to leak out some odor, if only briefly
and those odors will cling to to the floor/furniture/wall paper/etc.
that's the reputation, but i do see credible reports of dogs f'ing up occasionally, though that's around sealed containers usually
It's not hermetically sealed by any means, and he'll still almost certainly hit on the wall, I just want him to have lost his credibility a bit by that point, so that they think "Dammit, he's hitting on a wall again like the past 20 times".


Um, I read this online somewhere can't really pinpoint where to give credit but I'll give you my abridge'd version.

So K-9 dogs are suppose to track down the smell of Cannabis and respond to a certain command or do a certain command if they detect Cannabis. I'm sure they can detect seeds, stems, buds and kief. (not really sure exactly what triggers them to recognize the scent) So what I'm saying is... Save up your shake and stems, even seeds grind them in a coffee grinder or any other grinder really, you want fine particles of cannabis, after that, rub that shit everywhere! You want it's consistency to be like pollen even if that's possible haha but if an Officer comes in with a K-9 and the dogs freaking out everywhere it goes pointing to areas where the cop will search and not find anything thus having to restrain the animal and put it back in it's cage. Hope this helps.

Fuck the police.


Um, I read this online somewhere can't really pinpoint where to give credit but I'll give you my abridge'd version.

So K-9 dogs are suppose to track down the smell of Cannabis and respond to a certain command or do a certain command if they detect Cannabis. I'm sure they can detect seeds, stems, buds and kief. (not really sure exactly what triggers them to recognize the scent) So what I'm saying is... Save up your shake and stems, even seeds grind them in a coffee grinder or any other grinder really, you want fine particles of cannabis, after that, rub that shit everywhere! You want it's consistency to be like pollen even if that's possible haha but if an Officer comes in with a K-9 and the dogs freaking out everywhere it goes pointing to areas where the cop will search and not find anything thus having to restrain the animal and put it back in it's cage. Hope this helps.

Fuck the police.
Yes!! This is exactly what I'm talking about! It would be for his nose like trying to find a specific piece of cheese in a cheese factory, or a specific pin in a stack of pins.

The trick I think will be to get it so that no humans can smell it, but that a dog would go bonkers and be overwhelmed.

And yes, I agree, Fuck 5-0.


Well-Known Member
i have seen some mention of a article/book called 'never get busted again', or some such thing
same idea, overwhelm the dog, so this idea has been around
if it was just the dog, that would probably make sense, but i have to think if the dog starts going wild he's off the case
then LEO does his thing on their own, and as mentioned they may begin getting destructive
lot depends on how the warrant is written
thing is, this could have down sides, pissing off Barney Fife on the search may have some bad results
there's no shortage of add on laws that they can use to fuck you over if they're inclined
i'm like yourself, no more than 2 plants, and small ones at that
so far, i can't convince myself that 'uber stealth' is worth it, almost being undetectable isn't good enough, it has to be rock solid


i have seen some mention of a article/book called 'never get busted again', or some such thing
same idea, overwhelm the dog, so this idea has been around
if it was just the dog, that would probably make sense, but i have to think if the dog starts going wild he's off the case
then LEO does his thing on their own, and as mentioned they may begin getting destructive
lot depends on how the warrant is written
thing is, this could have down sides, pissing off Barney Fife on the search may have some bad results
there's no shortage of add on laws that they can use to fuck you over if they're inclined
i'm like yourself, no more than 2 plants, and small ones at that
so far, i can't convince myself that 'uber stealth' is worth it, almost being undetectable isn't good enough, it has to be rock solid
I'm not so sure they could be positive that I'm fucking with their dog's nose. Either way, I feel like my fake wall could stand up pretty well to a manual inspection, it's only the dog I'm worried about!


Active Member
Instead of trying to give the dog a "false positive", it might be better to use stuff that will screw up its sense of smell. Not sure what that might be, maybe cayenne pepper or gun powder? You'll have to research it.

Also, I would note that "drug dogs" are not always going to be some kind of Hollywood BS that can sniff everything out. A properly trained dog is very expensive and must be handled by cops that know what they are doing. I'd bet that a fair number of these dogs are basically worthless. Cops tend to put excessive faith in such animals as well but the real purpose of the dog is an excuse to search. "Oops, the dog must have been wrong, sorry about the mess we just made of your house/car."

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
also i would say the smell coming from your plants will far outway the smell you have sprinkled around the house so the dogs nose would home in to the 'honey pot' ...your grow.


also i would say the smell coming from your plants will far outway the smell you have sprinkled around the house so the dogs nose would home in to the 'honey pot' ...your grow.
Well, considering I only have two plants, in an enclosed box with a carbon filter, in an attic, behind a fake wall, I don't think the smell will be that much more. However, I'm hoping the dog would've given so many false hints by the time they got to the attic that he would have lost his credibility.

Instead of trying to give the dog a "false positive", it might be better to use stuff that will screw up its sense of smell. Not sure what that might be, maybe cayenne pepper or gun powder? You'll have to research it.

Also, I would note that "drug dogs" are not always going to be some kind of Hollywood BS that can sniff everything out. A properly trained dog is very expensive and must be handled by cops that know what they are doing. I'd bet that a fair number of these dogs are basically worthless. Cops tend to put excessive faith in such animals as well but the real purpose of the dog is an excuse to search. "Oops, the dog must have been wrong, sorry about the mess we just made of your house/car."
There are three issues with that:

1) I have a dog, so the stuff would be fucking with him for years before a search happened, if it even happened at all.
2) Even with cayenne pepper or anything else, they could still smell weed
3) I read that physically fucking with dogs' noses like that with cayenne pepper can be considered assault of an officer. Not good.