Defficiency or exess? Please help.


Active Member
Hi i am wondering what exactly my problem is. I have read a lot about nut def and exess but i am new to this and could use some expert advice thank you. Ok so Blue Dream. It is 4 weeks old from the day it poped and was planted in a plug. It was only given pure ro water for the first 2 weeks. My ro water is practicaly 0 tds---2-4 us/cm. So at firs signs i figured it was cal mag deff. So i went up to half strength. Then after a week symptomes kept progressing and then i added another half strength and brought it up a little over full strength. Was 850 us/cm at half and 1550 us/cm now. Also using a dilute miracle grow 24-8-16 at 1/8 strength thinkimg maybe it would be closer to the 3-1-2 ratio not sure if this is acurate or not but thats what i have atm. Ph was around 6.15 but crept up to 6.7 i took it back to 5.5 the root production on this plant is also slow in comparison to the other one i am growing but its also a different strain blueberry og. Temps are around 75f-80f. I have read for hydro that the ph should swing between 5.5 to 6.5 to get all of your nutriens as cal mag dont start geting absorbed till around ph6.0 but phosphorus drops off around the 6.2 range And maganees needs to be in the 5.75 range and lower. I am also usuing 1800w cob led cri 94 so my pics shold look pretty decent with my light on. These syptomes have started with the very bottof first leaves and has been progressing up the plant. 20191105_095927.jpg


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