Deficiency Autoflower

Hi guys,

can someone please guide me as to what I might be doing wrong? First time grower and I am still learning but noticed the leaves might be growing downwards? Using biobizz products and a friend suggested could be calcium defficiency so I started using Calmag at 1ml/1l water along with 1ml Bioheaven. Also using 1ml fish mix/1ml acti vera/1ml Algamic all mixed in 1l spray and using as a foliar. Light schedule 20/4 and this is day 21. Also a bit hesitant when it comes to feeding I usually spread the 1L across the week so would be around 300ml every 2 days or so.
Appreciate any help.
I've had this happen once. For me the problem was that i used bio fertilizers like Biobizz but i used a soil that already had a bit of mineral fertilizer in it. The different fertilizers absolutely wrecked the PH in the soil and the plant had problems taking any nutrients. It wasnt so obvious in veg phase, loooked similar to your plant. It got really obvious during flower tho, the buds stayed small and very fluffy.
Hope you used the correct soil!
Now that you are mentioning it I used Plagron light mix as a soil which does have some pre fertilizers in it so I assume that is what’s happening. Anything I can do to recover you think? Appreciate you replied thanks :)
Now that you are mentioning it I used Plagron light mix as a soil which does have some pre fertilizers in it so I assume that is what’s happening. Anything I can do to recover you think? Appreciate you replied thanks :)
Exact same thing happened to me xD
What I did was this:
I removed the plant from the pot, repotted, removed as much of the soil that i could, added the BioBizz soil around it. My plant was further in veg, bigger when i did it so it didnt work very well, there already was a big amount of roots that made it almost impossible to remove all of it. I'd say i managed to replace about 2/3rds of the Plagron soil...
That didnt solve the problem completely for me tho.. If u look at the pic that i attached, u can see whats likely gonna happen to you too. Its gonna show different signs of nutrient defficiencies but dont get tricked, thats because of the PH, dont add even more nutes.
The plant still managed to survive and i got around 70g dried from this specific plant so not a complete fail.
It's up to you if u wanna keep growing it and be okay with some smaller buds and some nutrient defficiencies. I'd recommend to restart the grow tho honestly, youre still almost at the beginning so its not a huge deal.
Hope that helps!


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No need for stress the plant, let her go with slight dry out and than water only. You do not need to change one mix for another which is completely the same only the package has different brand on it. Light mix is good enough and you do not need to feed it for like 3 weeks when I look at the size of your container, it is alread limed and lightly prefertilized.