Deficiency ? Or What do You guys Think?


Well-Known Member
Hello guys , i cracked 4 Dinafem OG KUSH Seed's Exactly 30 days ago. They are in Pure Coco and im feeding just Coco Nutrients but no extras , Ph at 5.9 and EC at 1.0 ms .
I raised the EC today for 1.5 , but 3 of the plants are haveing some leaf deformation and some HUGE Fan Leaves but somehow deformed , the new growth does seems "fine" im suspecting probably some calcium deficiency , otherswhise the deformation the plants seems healthy . i will start some CalMag tomorrow.

Any input is apreciated ! much thanks!
20180103_144312.jpg 20180103_144316.jpg 20180103_144357.jpg 20180103_144346.jpg 20180103_144333.jpg 20180103_144349.jpg


Well-Known Member
What are you using for light and what's your temps and RH like?

Got some serious heat stress/nute burning looking symptoms and that black banding on the leaves in pic 3 looks like serious P lockout but should be blotches and not like shadows across the leaves unless that's what it is. :)

The freckles on the leaf in pic 4 look like low Ca but I'd wager are signs of burn starting to crisp the leaves.

If your RH is really low your plants can burn easy at the EC you report. 1000ppm on my Hanna TDS pen.

I'd be running at least half the volume of your pots of water thru to lower the ppm in the root zone PDQ. I run in soilless ProMix a lot and it's like feeding hydro where bad things can happen fast if you don't get it soon enough.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
they ate under a 400w mh bulb , temps are arround 25 , and humidity arround 50 60 % !
thanks for the input oldmed , i checked the new grotwh today and it seems fine so i will do them a good flush with lower ec solution and foliar some calmag !
lets see how they respond !

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
they ate under a 400w mh bulb , temps are arround 25 , and humidity arround 50 60 % !
thanks for the input oldmed , i checked the new grotwh today and it seems fine so i will do them a good flush with lower ec solution and foliar some calmag !
lets see how they respond !
Do you use have a glass cover with air running through the fixture?
How far is the light from the top of the plant?


Well-Known Member
they ate under a 400w mh bulb , temps are arround 25 , and humidity arround 50 60 % !
thanks for the input oldmed , i checked the new grotwh today and it seems fine so i will do them a good flush with lower ec solution and foliar some calmag !
lets see how they respond !
If new growth looks good don’t flush!!!