

Active Member
This is a Wedding Cake plant in its 5th week of vegging (raised from clone). They were in 1 gallon Fox Farm Happy Frog soil for 3 weeks, fed them Fox Farm Grow Big once before repotting into Ocean Forest soil in 5 gallon pot. Was going to wait another week or so before giving them nutrients again since the soil already contains a bunch of stuff and I read you can wait 3 weeks after repotting. Might give them a bit of Fox Farm Big Bloom tomorrow. Temps are around 82, light (mars hydro tsw 2000 on 75%) is 14 inches away. Water is always phed to 6.3ish.


Well-Known Member
For starters, pH up to 6.5 - 6.8. Magnesium uptake can be restricted by a low pH. 6.5 - 6.8 is ideal for soil.

If you are using RO or other super low PPM h2o then you probably need cal mag to replace the stripped minerals.