

Well-Known Member
Just into week six from seed and I'm starting to notice some growth on my plants is a lighter green... other parts of the plant are dark green and look healthy. One of the plants has also shown symptoms of dark purple stems. I'm using a 24"x48" Grow tent with a viparspectra p2500 LED 20 inches from the top canopy at, 18hours on 6hours off light cycle I'm growing in fox farm ocean forest and feeding fox farm liquid nutrients. I'm assuming it's a magnesium or calcium deficiency.IMG_20210228_002244519_HDR.jpgIMG_20210228_002244519_HDR.jpgIMG_20210228_002255390.jpgIMG_20210228_002251611_HDR.jpgIMG_20210228_002305993.jpg Any help would be great


Well-Known Member
Mg deficiency starts in the older fan leaves first.



I think your plants are growing rapidly and the leaves take some time to 'green up' after sprouting out. I love that look on my plants and my little ones are doing it now after being repotted just 3 days ago, well fed then put under a nice little LED I just got used last week.

You can see many of your upper fan leaves darkening and in a couple days they will be full green but with rapid growth the top bunch will always look lime green for a while. Higher light intensities green them up faster so maybe lower your light a bit or turn up the power if dimmed down.

I'm also seeing a hint of nute burn staring up on some of the older fans. Slightly raised leave edges with a bit of yellowing at the tips all along the sides. The green is very dark green which also indicates a good nute load so maybe go a little lighter on the nutes.

Check the height of the tops on a couple and I bet it's growing over an inch a day right now.

The purple could be low P but I'm not seeing any of the other symptoms for that. Many strains just do that. Too high Ca can block P and others as you see in the Ca pic.


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