
So I recently switched back to soil after 5 years of hydro and my plants looks Hella sad. 50percent coco 50 percent FFOF. Not feeding anything atm. Calmag didn't seems to help?
And there's enough coco there you need to be sure of watering a sufficient amount each time. Hesitate to advise to runoff. Coco growers will be along.
How old are your plants? @hotrodharley is correct looks like potassium deficiency. But the plants also look hungry to me. I would feed them at 1\2 strength and feed them til you get 15% runoff. I hope this helps. Keep us updated.
I've run into the same issue for my first attempt at mixing my own organic soil. Also be aware that it's easy to second guess yourself and over think it. Don't ask me how I know. :p
Soil and coco is bad combo, they operate differently. At this point I would just treat it like Coco and feed them every time. They look hungry for sure.

You said not feeding anything. They need food now. Consider Maxibloom, has everything you need right now and can run veg thru flower