Definite early finishing


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is a brand new strain, Sorbet Dreams from DNA and although the entire tent is slightly fading out to Yellow but are all 3 Blue Kings from HSO in the back 4 and Ghost Train Haze X Moonshine Haze from Rare Dankness, the 2 I have in the front middle are the Sorbet Dreams and are just yellowing way too fast.
We're barely into week 5.
I'm wondering if I've just fed them too little as my ppm's are at around 500. But they're at the point where some leaves are just pulling right off. This always happens at the end of flower once the nugs have bulked up but never this early. I've included pictures so you can see what I'm talking about. I'm obviously in rdwc so I have added the people I would like advice from especially. Maybe you know exactly what this could be. Diagnosing deficiencies isn't necessarily my strong suit.
@fragileassassin @rkymtnman @Renfro @ttystikk @Rocket Soul
First 2 of the ones in question.
The last 2 pics are of the others that are fading but nowhere near what these are.
Very last pic has culprit in very right corner of pic.
I know there are people around here saying that re-circ you don't need to go above 600 or something that I would consider extremely low. When you are ready and can afford a test, pump those number up to at least 800 to even 1000.
I generally run at 800-900 ppm, caused a ph issue myself which resulted in burn. Backed off for a week and saw deficiencys so now im back to the higher numbers. Best part of rdwc is the control, weather you want to go higher or lower! I say raise it by 100 and see what happens. Doubt you will regret it and my want to go higher
I'd give them veg nutes for a bit to get that N back up. You wont be able to reverse it but you can slow it down enough to finish.
Well I ordered more Micro as I'm fucking completely out and it won't be here til Monday... So I'm kind of in a Shitty spot right now.
I'm glad I found this out early on cause next run is 4 of those sorbet dreams so I'll be sure to keep PPMs above 650 the whole run. I think I can balance the lower needs of the Blueberry and Ghost Train with the higher needs (apparently) of this Sorbet Dreams.
I ALMOST bought jacks cause I'm low on all nutes, but found half a gal of bloom I forgot about so meh.
Plus, there's roughly 8-900 gallons worth of nutes in each 1Gal bottle of each of the GH Flora Trio. So it's still closely priced to jacks.
But man... 3Bay has damn good deals on Jacks where you can get all 3 parts, jacks/cal nit/epsom in differing amounts for really good prices...
There's a 1,058gal batch for $70!
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I have grown field corn for almost 2 decades, rarely if ever are growing conditions ideal. That being said...drought, heat, water and nute stress are a normal thing and when one of thees happens at the right time it causes the plant to modify its growth patterns and often has a positive result. So for me theres a small amount of stress that i like my plants to have. With corn some of the positives are higher digest ability, more grain production and more carbohydrates. Push them to hard and you can negate all of the benefits! Planning on trying GH 3 part for my next grow but may look into Jack's now
So week 7 of 12/12 starts in 2 days. So you think I even bother with veg nutes(more micro) or do I just start adding straight RO to the res and bring down the ppms?