Defoliate, Or Not To Defoliate!?

Yes. I did defoliation on the lower 1/3 of the plant. However, I did leave a lot of the old fan leaves and just plucked the suckers that weren't going to make it.

Any other opinions as to whether or not to defoliate? I was planning on removing leaves that covered bud sites. (Selective Defoliation)

Any reason not to do that?
@Herb & Suds glad I could make you laugh.

In all seriousness, as small as they are, do they require any sort of defoliation or will they be fine as is?

Obviously wasn't looking for yield this go, as these were for producing clones to ensure females for next attempt.

Just figure I shouldn't waste em. May as well get what little I can and don't want to f em up any more than I have already.

@Herb & Suds glad I could make you laugh.

In all seriousness, as small as they are, do they require any sort of defoliation or will they be fine as is?

Obviously wasn't looking for yield this go, as these were for producing clones to ensure females for next attempt.

Just figure I shouldn't waste em. May as well get what little I can and don't want to f em up any more than I have already.

I would run them as is
I'm no defoliation fan other than lollipopping
Never saw any change TBH
Looks fine to me. At that stage, I just pull leaves that block bud sites, or in the case of your middle pic you can see a couple leaves bunched up? -- I'd pull one or both of those leaves. Other than that, let em go because once budding starts, these are all the leaves you'll have & the more, the merrier, as long as they don't block light or airflow thru the plant.
Watchout, I bet the angry anti-defoliator YOUTEWB RUINING DA WERLD members are going to say you're doing it wrong.
Defoliating is necessary in a scrog or it ends up in all sorts of mess not to mention dew trapped between the leafs, here is a plant with a few weeks to go,

Defoliating is necessary in a scrog or it ends up in all sorts of mess not to mention dew trapped between the leafs, here is a plant with a few weeks to go,


but how did those buds grow without as many leaves as possible....../s

Watchout, I bet the angry anti-defoliator YOUTEWB RUINING DA WERLD members are going to say you're doing it wrong.

and they multiply once they show up