Defoliation is not for the faint of heart

Nice schwazee!
Thanks. I still have a lot of shoots to get rid of, but that's easy work. My other tent is harder because the scrog frames and flood trays are bigger and taking up most of the room, so I have contort and stretch while making sure not to crash into the plants. All of my ninjaing in my youth has paid dividends.
Also these plants were looking horrible because I switched nutrients and was unknowingly underfeeding them until mag issues started showing. Which got much worse before they started getting better. Some of the leaves were even turning purple. It was depressing. It took about three weeks for them to rebound. Now they're thriving. Plants are amazing.

The left and middle squares are Bazookaz, and square on the right is Blue Apples. Both are from Cannarado.
i just like your setup and they complain about mine because it looks like a jumbled mess but its my mess and it works for me just l;ike yours works for you BTW nice shcwazze
oh my god is that wood on the floor a bug haven and dirt oh boy and cords jesus christ it will never work lol thats what i would get if i posted that picture i just shrug and light up a joint from my 5 pound stash
What does this technique do?
When all is said and done it pretty much eliminates larf. You end up with a bunch of nice colas. I also think it slows down the stretch because it's putting the energy into producing leaves. In a few weeks I'll do it again, and at that point all of the energy will be directed towards the colas.

I've played around with defoliating different amounts over the years. I've thought I've gone too far a few times, but they always ended up as the better yields. I've also let the plants naturally grow a few times.

IMO, Schwazeeing is the most important part during the first sweep. I would probably leave most of the leaves on until the second defoliation, but it's makes chopping out the unwanted side branches / shoots much easier.
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oh my god is that wood on the floor a bug haven and dirt oh boy and cords jesus christ it will never work lol thats what i would get if i posted that picture i just shrug and light up a joint from my 5 pound stash
The wood stays dry and that's coco from an unused cube that was pouring out while I moved it around to crawl into the back. I need to get in there with my shop vac later. There are a bunch of leaves hiding out.
I meant to add I wish my plants were still that small. They have been vegging for around 4 months because if all of that.