Deformitty, leave split in two????


Well-Known Member
Ok I got this baby I put outside just for the heck of it see if it flwers b4 frost, n e ways its about on its 4th set of leaves and on of them on top like is spliting it looks like it has 4 leaves instead of 3. on the other side it is not happening, what does this mean good bad or just nothing???


Well-Known Member
sometimes as the plant grows the fan blades will increase in numbers 5 leafer 7 leafer and usually before it goes from 5 to 7 it will grow one fan with 6 first and as they flower this happens in reverse 7 to 5 to 3 to 1 ect but thats about the size of it the extra one sometimes is kinda part of the bottom of the one next to it....sorry relly,really high :),hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Without a picture it's hard to say. However, this sounds like how the leaves normally form. They start out with a single leaf that splits along one of the zagged edges to form a new leaf, it's pretty cool to watch it happen over a few days.