Dehumidifer at night only, anyone ?

Black Thumb

Well-Known Member
Okay Question first, Can i just run my Dehumidifier on lights out, like have it kick on a half hour before and run until lights turn on?

I never use to worry about humidity ever for years, Never had issues with bud rot, only a couple times on some NO AC runs and Huge colas with bad air circulation)

here are some details
Im only running around 3200 watts( summer wattage) , the only size AC i can fit in the window is 11000 BTU.
It can keep the temps down to at least 74-82 depending on the temps outside. ( im actually going to be dropping another 350 watts next week and only running 2800 watts)

So in the winter i can run 4200 watts and the Dehumidfier and just use the air from outside to control temps without it ever getting over 72-77 degrees.
and humidity stays around 30-40% all the time.

Now here is my issue.
With the Dehumidifier running my temps are going up to 85-90 during lights on, and i feel like the AC and Dehumifider are just battling each other.
If it turn it off, my humidity is going up to about 68%-72% with lights on.

With lights off it keeps the Humidity below 50%.

Is anyone having any issues with letting the humidity get high on lights on 70% and then run a dehumidifier on lights off ?
No I have never had a issue, it seems like there are many variables that could be taken out like the need for a a/c or dehumidifier. The a/c takes water out of the air when it is running so having essentially 2 dehumidifiers is a waste of electricity. Opening the grow room door is enough to drop the humidity levels, as long as you have a fan going, you should be fine.