I'm running all ac Infinity except the lighting. (Humidifier, fans, exhaust & intake fans, outlet etc) I'm running the 5x5 ac Infinity tent. So just buy a big enough one to drop the entire rooms rh level and let the intake just pull it in. Guess that would lower the on time of the exhaust/intake.
So in a nutshell
Drop rooms Rh below my desires tent level
Let intake/exhaust pull in lower Rh air
Let the ac humidifier adjust it to where it needs to be.
Or just Rh the room to desired tent Rh and not worry about the humidifier adjusting the Rh.
Sorry and thank you for the responses. It's been a long time since I did an indoor grow that wasn't just a room :/

You have excellent taste in grow tent gear!
A big driver is having control over your grow environment or, like me, doing your best to influence it.
If you can "set it and forget it", that's great. If you can't, then it works out better to use the big room as an RH "buffer". That's why I went with option 1. The Waykar gets RH to 45 or 50 and the Controller 69 toggles the humidifier on and off to keep VPD at the desired value. I can change the RH in the tent in a few seconds and that ability to respond quickly is one of the advantages to using this approach when the outside weather changes significantly.
I'm dealing with that right now. Southern California gets "Santa Ana" winds that blow in from the East, over the desert, instead of from the West, over the Pacific. For today and tomorrow, temps will be 80 and RH will drop to 30's in the day time but will be 70's at night. Two days from now, it'll be 64 and 60%. The humidifier can add the required % of RH to the tent (64 cubic feet in my tent, 25x6? = 150 in your case) in a matter of minutes. No way could any dehumifier impact RH like that so quickly. It's much easier to raise RH (pumping mist into the air) than running that air through a dehu.
My tent is in a 20' x' 20' garage and I'm using
a Waykar dehumidifier from the 'Zon. I haven't used any other dehu so I can't compare and contrast but it's worked fine for three years. The big selling point for me was that it's tall and slender and it has an easy to use drain hose feature. If I was buying a dehu now, I'd look for one that was WiFi because almost everything else I have is Wifi (I've been a software engineer since the early 90's so I'm comfortable with tech) and it makes life so much easier.