Dehydrating trim for BHO run


Well-Known Member
Is it necessary and does it improve quality and color? ok obviously not necessary but I'm aiming for quality and these are my first personal runs. I have blasted and purged with other people but now i have all my own equipment etc

Im NOT talking about using a dehydrater to cook already blasted bho... just the trim on a low setting for a few hours before extraction



Well-Known Member
I think fresh trim works best but it has the disadvantage of taking up a lot more mass than dried so you end up using more butane...unless you have some sort of closed loop that recycles the solvent.


Well-Known Member
So If I decarb at 200 for a few hours is that going to make the product blast better and turn out better? I mean I will try this with trial and error but I guess I just don't want to buy a food dehydrator if I'm not going to use it.

well just read this: "Gone also are the medicinal and entourage effects from those terpenes. The price we pay for decarboxylation, so we shouldn’t decarboxylate casually, and should first consider the end use before picking the process" Random Article

From what I am seeing people only make sure to do this when planning on using the bho topically or orally??


Well-Known Member
and yes I have realized I could just use the oven lol. I will just try both ways and see what I like.. thanks for the responses


Well-Known Member
I apologize I misread the question. You need high quality DRY buds to make a nice caramel color bho. Also if your worried about the color then don't grind your buds before you pack them into the tube. Keep them whole, that's key. Yes make sure they are dry, you don't want damp bud. After you make your first run with the whole buds and you get that killer BHO you can make another run by grinding up the buds and doing it over. It'll be B quality and not as good as the first run but sell the B grade to your friends and it might pay for the whole run and you still got the A grade. Do it outside too. Good luck.
So If I decarb at 200 for a few hours is that going to make the product blast better and turn out better? I mean I will try this with trial and error but I guess I just don't want to buy a food dehydrator if I'm not going to use it.

well just read this: "Gone also are the medicinal and entourage effects from those terpenes. The price we pay for decarboxylation, so we shouldn’t decarboxylate casually, and should first consider the end use before picking the process" Random Article

From what I am seeing people only make sure to do this when planning on using the bho topically or orally??