delay 12/12 any longer? problems.


First grow...issues at every corner. I keep delaying flowering. Soil.

I was given 2 kids that were about 24" a few weeks ago. I've had to delay flowering because I was I wasn't prepared. Set-up is at about 95%.

Kids are now about 31" each in 3 gal.


24" x20" x64" PVC frame wrapped in panda paper in walk-in closet...not much space available. Very small space at about 15+ cf.


(6) - 42w CLF' I correct in thinking the equivalent is 6x150w = 900w soft white at 2600k? (2) - 30w CFL's ...2x100 = 200w brights at 6500k? Some top leaves at conopy appear burnt at tips and few canopy leaves I increased cfl distance to about 4".

Known issues:

Heat and ventilation...approaching 90* at about 40% RH. Decided to open up enclosure on 24/0 to reduce heat. I'm hoping temp and RH issues will pan out once I begin 12/12 via lights out temp drops during the evening and increasing opening enclosure for better ventilation. Working on getting small fan for top of enclosure to pull warn air out.

Had the white powdery mold an several leaves and misted plants with 1 part 2% milk and 10 parts water. Misted for once a day for three days. Mold is gone, but the milk water solution outlines on lots of leaves. A little smelly.

Bushy top, but little, consistent and continued growth up to about 9" from top of planter. I've got (1) -30w 6500k and (1) -42w 2600k ligting up the area. Attempted to LST, took cotton string and tied cola down to the side to increase light exposure to botton of plant....BUT WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT...string got caught and pulled into the fan, snapped cola at node off trunk, hanging on by skin of trunk....AUUUGGHH! Immediately, I tied a knot around the area of the node and tied string to about 3" below broken cola and affixed other end of string to enclosure wall in an attempt to push the broken area closer together. Should I tape it instead? I suppose it's a wating game now.

The kids are getting bigger and looks like I will run out of space during prevent vertical growth, do I LST the plants?

So my questions are...despite I begin 12/12 after bringing heat and ventilation to par? Should I continue to wait because of snapped cola?

Any input is great appreciated. Thank you.



Well-Known Member
Save Everybody some keystrokes and put up a couple pictures. Under good light, not yellow or pink.


Well-Known Member
Just some thoughts -

The 2nd pic looks like it has some light or heat burn on the left plant toward the top. Pushing 90 degrees is a bit high, and it also depends where exactly you have your thermometer.

You are not too late to LST, but get on it ASAP! Check out my grows in sig, I'd have similar plants if they were not tied down. I would not top at this stage of the game but I'd tie em down hard and/or supercrop, pretty much you'll get same result. Ya can't have your plants trying to blow through the lights and if that's where they are headed ya gotta do something.

Good Luck - AIM


considering LST and the broken long should I wait to go 12/12? do I have sufficient light?


Well-Known Member
You have a problem. They will grow 2-3x as tall the first few weeks after flipping. Can you handle that? Tall plants are not ideal with CFL. Surround the plants with light.

I am not sure what I would do.


Well-Known Member
You have a problem. They will grow 2-3x as tall the first few weeks after flipping. Can you handle that? Tall plants are not ideal with CFL. Surround the plants with light.

I am not sure what I would do.
If there too big, like growindad suggests, you may want to clone them to shit, and scrap the mother's. Then proceed to do a SOG. That's what I am doing, because ive had to tear down my last op, start from scratch on cfl's and had to wait till today to order a new ballast for the 1k. Keep in mind since its your first grow, you will probably kill a lot of the clones, if not all. Just make sure something survives till you know enough clones took to the new medium and are not on the verge of death before you scrap the plants you took them off. If your closet has mold spores, take your plants out, try to treat the mold on the plants with something, then bleach everything in the closet, and replace the plants. Also because of the conditions I'm guessing there in, do yourself a favor and go buy this shit called "mighty wash" you can find it online or at a hydro store. Buy a squirt bottle , and hose your ladies down with that gunk periodically while lights are OFF, or at the first sign of the inevitable spider mite infestation. The shit is wonderful!